DBTest 2009

From ConfIDent
The document "DBTest 2009" was published on "2022-10-19T14:45:20" on the website "ConfIDent" under the URL https://confident-conference.org/index.php/Event:DBTest 2009.
The document "DBTest 2009" describes an event in the sense of a conference.
The document "DBTest 2009" contains information about the event "DBTest 2009" with start date "Jun 29, 2009" and end date "Jun 29, 2009".
The event "DBTest 2009" is part of the event series identified by [[]]

Providence, United States of America

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                   C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S

                Second ACM International Workshop on 
               Testing Database Systems (DBTest 2009)

                          Jun 29th, 2009
                    Providence, Rhode Island USA

                (collocated with ACM SIGMOD/PODS 2009)


Motivation and Scope

The functionality provided by modern database management systems (DBMS), data
storage services, and database applications is continuously expanding. New trends
in hardware architectures, new data storage requirements, and new usage patterns
drive the need for continuous innovation and expansion. As a result, these system/
applications are becoming increasingly complex and difficult to validate. As a
consequence, testing and tuning these system/applications is becoming
increasingly expensive and are often dominating the release cycle. It is not unusual
that fifty percent of the development cost is spent on testing and tuning and that
several months are reserved for testing before a new release can be shipped.
Without revolutionary new ideas, the situation is getting even worse in the future.
The first workshop on testing database systems (collocated with SIGMOD 2008) has
shown that there is a huge interest of the industry to discuss problems in the area
of testing database systems together with the academic community. Moreover,
testing has recently gained more attention in the database community with an
increasing number of conference submissions as well as a special issue of the IEEE
Data Engineering Bulletin in this area. The main purpose of this workshop is to
continue the discussion between industry and academia in order to come up with a
research agenda that describes important open problems in the area of testing
database systems/applications. The long term goal is to devise new techniques
which solve these problems in order to reduce the cost and time to test and tune
database products so that users and vendors can spend more time and energy on
actual innovations. Obviously, the software engineering community has already
worked intensively on testing related problems. However, testing DBMS/database
applications imposes particular challenges and opportunities which have not been
addressed in either the database or software engineering community.
The participants of this workshop will be from both industry and academia. All
papers will be selected from submissions by the program committee after peer
reviewing. In addition to novel techniques, the workshop will present war stories as
well as vision papers in order to define and better understand the problem space.

Topics of Interest

* Testing techniques for DBMS, data storage services, database applications
* Generation of synthetic data for test databases
* Generation of stochastic test models for large test matrices
* Techniques and algorithms for automatic program verification
* Maximizing code coverage of database systems/applications
* Testing correctness of database systems/applications
* Test-modelling of database systems/applications
* Testing and designing systems that are robust to estimation inaccuracies
* Testing the efficiency of adaptive policies and components
* Minimizing, automating and ranking of engine tuning parameters
* Identifying performance bottlenecks
* Workload characterization with respect to performance metrics
* Workload characterization with respect to engine components
* Metrics for predictability of query and workload performance
* Metrics for query plan robustness
* Security and vulnerability testing
* War Stories and vision papers

Paper Submission

DBTest 2009 invites the submission of original contributions in the area of testing 
and tuning database management systems (DBMS), data storage services, and database 
applications. As mentioned above, DBTest is also interested in war stories,  
practitioner's reports, and vision papers on techniques and issues in testing and tuning 
those systems. Papers should be formatted according to the ACM guidelines and SIGMOD 
proceedings template available at: http://www.sigmod09.org/sigmod_formatting.shtml

Papers should not be longer than six pages and should be submitted in PDF by E-Mail to:

Important Dates 

Paper Submission: April 3, 2009 (Friday, 5PM PST)
Notification of acceptance: May 8, 2009 (Friday)
Camera-ready: May 22, 2009 (Friday)
Workshop: June 29, 2009 (Monday)

Workshop Chairs

Carsten Binnig, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (carsten.binnig@inf.ethz.ch)
Benoit Dageville, Oracle Corporation, USA (benoit.dageville@oracle.com)

Steering Comittee

Leo Giakoumakis, Microsoft Corporation, USA (leogia@microsoft.com)
Donald Kossmann, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (kossmann@inf.ethz.ch) 

Program Committee

Surajit Chaudhuri      Microsoft Research, USA
Mitch Cherniack        Brandeis University, USA
Enzo Cialini           IBM DB2, Canada
Leo Giakoumakis        Microsoft SQL Server, USA
Jayant Haritsa         Indian Institute of Science, India
Donald Kossmann        ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Eric Lo                HK Polytec University, Hong Kong
Andreas Leitner        ETH Zurich, Switzerland Chaitanya Mishra       University of Toronto, Canada
Patrick O'Neil         University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
Glen Paulley           Sybase iAnywhere, Canada
Ravi Sahani            Oracle, USA
Eric Simon             SAP BO, France
Avik Sinha             IBM Research, USA
Ed Triou               Microsoft SQL Server, USA
Florian Waas           Greenplum, USA
Khaled Yagoub          Oracle, USA

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP

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