EMNLP 2017

From ConfIDent
The document "EMNLP 2017" was published on "2023-08-07T06:26:57" on the website "ConfIDent" under the URL https://confident-conference.org/index.php/Event:EMNLP 2017.
The document "EMNLP 2017" describes an event in the sense of a conference.
The document "EMNLP 2017" contains information about the event "EMNLP 2017" with start date "2017/09/07" and end date "2017/09/11".
The event "EMNLP 2017" is part of the event series identified by [[Event Series:EMNLP]]
Submitted Papers
Accepted Papers

Øksnehallen, Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark

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SIGDAT, the Association for Computational Linguistics special interest group on linguistic data and corpus-based approaches to NLP, invites you to participate in EMNLP 2017.

The conference will be held on September 7–11, 2017 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The conference includes three days of full paper presentations and invited talks by Dan Jurafsky, Nando de Freitas and Sharon Goldwater (September 9-11), plus two days consisting of 14 workshops and 7 tutorials (September 7-8).

More information on workshops, tutorials, venue, traveling, etc. can be found on the conference website. For helpful tips on visiting Copenhagen, Denmark, please check the WikiTravel website.

The conference invites the submission of long and short papers related to empirical methods in natural language processing. Accepted papers will be presented as oral talks or posters. As in recent years, the conference will also include presentations of selected papers accepted by the Transactions of the ACL.

We invite you to join us!

We solicit papers on all areas of interest to the SIGDAT community and aligned fields, including but not limited to:

  • Computational Psycholinguistics
  • Dialogue and Interactive Systems
  • Discourse Analysis
  • Generation
  • Information Extraction
  • Information Retrieval and Question Answering
  • Language and Vision
  • Linguistic Theories and Resources
  • Machine Learning
  • Machine Translation
  • Multilinguality and Cross-linguality
  • NLP Applications
  • Segmentation, Tagging, and Parsing
  • Semantics
  • Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining
  • Web, Social Media and Computational Social Science
  • Spoken Language Processing
  • Summarization
  • Text Categorization and Topic Modeling
  • Text Mining


  • Long and short paper submission deadline: April 14, 2017
  • Author response period starts: June 02, 2017
  • Author rebuttals due: June 07, 2017
  • Acceptance notification: June 30, 2017
  • Camera-ready submission deadline : July 21, 2017
  • All deadlines are calculated at 11:59pm Pacific Daylight Savings Time (UTC -7h).

Event Dates

  • Workshops and tutorials: September 7 and 8, 2017
  • Main conference: September 9 - 11, 2017
  • Submission information: We will be accepting submissions online via Softconf. The submission deadline is April 14, 2017.

Long papers

EMNLP 2017 long paper submissions must describe substantial, original, completed and unpublished work. Wherever appropriate, concrete evaluation and analysis should be included. Each submission will be reviewed by at least three program committee members. Each long paper submission consists of a paper of up to eight (8) pages of content, plus two pages for references; final versions of long papers will be given one additional page (up to nine pages with unlimited pages for references) so that reviewers’ comments can be taken into account.

Short papers

EMNLP 2017 also solicits short papers. Short paper submissions must describe original and unpublished work. While a short paper is not a shortened long paper, the characteristics of short papers include: a small, focused contribution; work in progress; a negative result; an opinion piece; an interesting application nugget. Each short paper submission consists of up to four (4) pages of content, plus 2 pages for references; final versions of short papers will be given one additional page (up to five pages in the proceedings and unlimited pages for references) so that reviewers’ comments can be taken into account. Each short paper submission will be reviewed by at least three program committee members.

Formatting requirement

Both long and short papers should follow the EMNLP 2017 two-column format, using the provided LaTeX style files (they will be posted on the conference site). Authors are strongly discouraged from modifying the style files. Please do not use other templates (e.g., Word). Submissions that do not conform to the required styles, including paper size, margin width, and font size restrictions, will be rejected without review.

Blind review instructions

As the reviewing will be blind, papers should not include the authors' names and affiliations. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the author's identity, e.g., “We previously showed (Smith, 1991) ...”, should be avoided. Instead, use citations such as “Smith (1991) previously showed ...”. Acknowledgments of funding or assistance should be omitted. Submissions should not contain pointers to supplemental information on the web; any such material should be submitted as supplemental material (see below). Submissions that do not conform to these requirements will be rejected without review. Separate author identification information is required as part of the online submission process.

Supplemental material

EMNLP 2017 encourages submitting software and data that is described in the paper as supplementary material. EMNLP 2017 also encourages reporting preprocessing decisions, model parameters, and other details necessary for the exact replication of the experiments described in the paper. Papers may be accompanied by supplementary material, consisting of software, data, pseudo-code, detailed proofs or derivations that do not fit into the paper, lists of features or feature templates, parameter specifications, and sample inputs and outputs for a system. Appendices are considered to be supplementary materials, and should be submitted as such.

The paper should be self-contained and not rely on the supplementary material. Reviewers are not asked to review or even download the supplemental material. If the pseudo-code or derivations or model specifications are an important part of the contribution, or if they are important for the reviewers to assess the technical correctness of the work, they should be a part of the main paper, not as appendices.

Multiple submission policy

Papers that have been or will be submitted to other meetings or publications must indicate this at submission time, and must be withdrawn from the other venues if accepted by EMNLP 2017. We will not accept for publication or presentation papers that overlap significantly in content or results with papers that will be (or have been) published elsewhere. Authors submitting more than one paper to EMNLP 2017 must ensure that submissions do not overlap significantly (>25%) with each other in content or results.

Preprint servers such as arXiv.org and workshops that do not have published proceedings are not considered archival for purposes of submission. To preserve the spirit of blind review, authors are encouraged to refrain from posting until the completion of the review process. Otherwise, authors must state in the online submission form the name of the workshop or preprint server and title of the non-archival version. The submitted version should be suitably anonymized and not contain references to the prior non-archival version. Reviewers will be told: "The author(s) have notified us that there exists a non-archival previous version of this paper with significantly overlapping text. We have approved submission under these circumstances, but to preserve the spirit of blind review, the current submission does not reference the non-archival version."

Presentation requirement

All accepted papers must be presented at the conference to appear in the proceedings. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for EMNLP 2017. Accepted papers will be presented orally or as a poster (at the discretion of the program chairs based on the nature rather than the quality of the work). There will be no distinction in the proceedings between papers presented orally or as posters.


The general chair of of EMNLP 2017 is Martha Palmer (University of Colorado). Program co-chairs are Sebastian Riedel (University College London) and Rebecca Hwa (University of Pittsburgh).

See the other members of the organizing committee and program committee.


  • Program: program@emnlp2017.net
  • Local Arrangements: local@emnlp2017.net
  • Publication: publication@emnlp2017.net
  • General: contact@emnlp2017.net
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