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Submission |
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Call for papers: Cognitive Radio Systems A special issue of International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems Cognitive radio is a highly promising communications paradigm to address the spectrum insufficiency problem. Currently, different wireless systems are regulated by a fixed spectrum assignment strategy. This policy partitions the whole spectrum into a large number of different ranges. Each piece is specified for a particular system. This leads to undesirable situations where some systems may only use the allocated spectrum to a limited extent while others have very serious spectrum insufficiency situation. In addition, wireless channel is inherently characterised by unreliability. This may lead to context-dependent large-scale shadowing or small-scale fading. Furthermore, the future generation broadband wireless networking promises to provide multimedia services under the co-existence of heterogeneous networks. These challenges and requirements result in the problem of scarce spectrum becoming even worse and motivate new technologies to efficiently use spectrum. Cognitive radio is believed to be a technology with a high potential to address these issues. It refers to the potentiality that the systems are aware of context and capable of reconfiguring themselves based on the surrounding environments and their own properties with respect to traffic load, congestion situation, network topology, and wireless channel propagation etc. However, cognitive radio wireless systems are still in the very early stage of research and development. There are a number of technical, economical, and regulatory challenges to be addressed. The aim of this special issue is to present a collection of high-quality research papers that report the latest research advances in this field from physical and network layers to practical applications. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Signal Processing * MIMO * Channel coding * Resource management * Mobility management * Energy management * Cross-layer design and optimization * Cooperation schemes * Routing * Medium Access Control * QoS provisioning * Security * Cognitive multi-hop networks * Spectrum management (e.g. spectrum sensing, spectrum sharing) * Model and performance evaluation * Game theory in cognitive radio * Standards, e.g. IEEE 802.22 * Regulation and business model * Testbed, experiment, implementation, standards, and practical applications Important Dates Manuscript Due: 1 January, 2009 Acceptance Notification: 1 April, 2009 Camera-ready Due: 1 June, 2009
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