The document "IJCIBSB special issue 2008" was published on "2022-10-19T15:20:22" on the website "ConfIDent" under the URL special issue 2008.
The document "IJCIBSB special issue 2008" describes an event in the sense of a conference.
The document "IJCIBSB special issue 2008" contains information about the event "IJCIBSB special issue 2008" with start date "N/A" and end date "".
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"N/A" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation."Error: Invalid time." is not a number. "Error: Invalid time." is not a number.
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CClassify the Classifiers: Investigating the Optimum Classification Technique Per Case in Bioinformatics A special issue of International Journal of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Suitable topics include, but are not limited to: ** Investigation and ranking of classifiers based on, but not limited to, computational intelligence methods from fields such as: * Machine learning * Expert systems * Artificial neural networks * Fuzzy logic and systems * Feature selection * Dimension reduction * Pattern classification and recognition * Possibility theory * Bayes network and hidden markov models * Genetic and [hybrid] evolutionary algorithms * Support vector machines * Relative vector machine * Data mining and knowledge discoveries * Quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithms * Fusion of systems * Swarm intelligence and hybrid computational intelligence * Affinity propagation * Game theory ** Application and performance evaluation of the classifiers implemented in various cases of bioinformatics research, such as: * Gene expression * Microarrays, motif and pattern discovery * DNA assembly, clustering, and mapping * Gene identification and annotation * Biomedical image processing * Molecular evolution and phylogeny * Taxonomy, sequence analysis and alignment * Ecological modelling * Mathematical immunology modelling and discovery * Regulatory network and pathway analysis * Functional and structural genomics * Cellular metabolism and inter-cellular signalling * Genome- and proteome-scale modelling * Analysis of protein interaction with other cellular constituents * Protein structure and interaction prediction * Comparative and quantitative proteomics * Post-translational modification analysis * Structural proteomics
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