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Special issue of the IJISSS - International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector OBJECTIVES: To collect and disseminate high-quality and relevant scientific knowledge and professionals' experience for helping to underpin the engineering, management, and philosophy of Service-Oriented Information Systems (SOIS). The submitted papers should be based on rigorous theoretical or empirical research that studies the technical, behavioral, economical, managerial, and philosophical issues involved in the development, utilization, or evaluation of Information Systems and IT under the emergent paradigm of Service Science, Management, and Engineering (SSME). These studies should further current knowledge about Service-Oriented Information Systems, by advancing theoretical research or providing help for organizations to resolve pertinent problems and issues, or to address improvement opportunities. Because of the interdisciplinary scope, papers are expected from a variety of disciplines, including Information Systems, Software Engineering, and Systems Engineering, as well as from traditional business-oriented research. SUGGESTED TOPICS (but not limited to) - Theoretical and empirical papers on engineering issues, including foundations of design and building information systems under the SOIS emergent paradigm; lifecycles, development methodologies, analysis & design methods, techniques and tools, requirements engineering for SOIS, standards and models of SOIS processes; comparisons with component-based, objected-oriented and functional-based paradigms for engineering information systems. - Theoretical and empirical papers on management issues, including foundations of management of information systems under the SOIS paradigm; project management issues; frameworks and models for evaluation; economy of SOIS project;, standards and models of processes; comparison with component-based, objected-oriented and functional-based paradigms for management information systems. - Theoretical papers on philosophical issues, including foundations of the SOIS paradigm, ontological, axiological, and/or epistemological frameworks and schemes. - Case studies of real projects implemented under the SOIS emergent paradigm. Feel free to contact the guest editors in case you are not sure about the adequacy of a paper to this issue. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES: Deadline extended to: February 15, 2008 First notification to authors due: March 15, 2008 Second paper submission due: April 30, 2008 Definitive paper acceptance due: May 31, 2008 Camera-ready versions due: June 31, 2008 Publishing date: January, 2009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GUEST EDITORS: Manuel Mora, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, México Claudio Pinhanez, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA Rory O'Connor, Dublin City University, Ireland Brian Blake, Georgetown University, USA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- John Wang (EiC of IJISSS), Montclair State University, USA;
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