KM-WEB 2009

From ConfIDent
The document "KM-WEB 2009" was published on "2022-10-19T15:22:15" on the website "ConfIDent" under the URL 2009.
The document "KM-WEB 2009" describes an event in the sense of a conference.
The document "KM-WEB 2009" contains information about the event "KM-WEB 2009" with start date "Apr 27, 2009" and end date "Apr 29, 2009".
The event "KM-WEB 2009" is part of the event series identified by [[]]

Poznan, Poland

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    1st Workshop on Knowledge Management with Web 3.0  (KM-WEB3 2009)
                           in conjunction with
12th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2009)

                             Poznan, Poland
                        April 27, 28 or 29, 2009


               Deadline for submissions: February 1, 2009


Knowledge management has gained enough bad press over the years to no
longer be considered the silver bullet for solving problems in large
organizations. Should we blame the technologies applied to that domain
or was it simply a misunderstanding of the term? Recent years have
brought many interesting solutions where information is simply searched
for using simple keyword-based search; communities of users transform
information into knowledge by discovering, augmenting, sharing and
putting it into use. Semantic technologies that did not make it to be
called the Web 2.0 are now ready to unveil their full potential; more
and more information is produced in a machine understandable way and
more and more interesting services are empowered by this information.

Will Web 3.0 be another hype term or can new services like Twine or really show the full potential of the combined power of social
and semantic services? Can wide adoption of metadata standards like SIOC
(Semantically Interlinked Online Communities), SKOS (Simple Knowledge
Organization Systems) or FOAF (Friend of a Friend) help to deliver ample
of semantics originating from community services? What is more - can we
harness these technologies and build new, better solutions to knowledge

This workshop aims to bring together people who seek and research
solutions for knowledge management; especially those, who show how
semantic and social technologies can be used in this context. We would
like to invite researchers and practitioners from both industry and
academia to submit original results of their completed or ongoing
projects. We encourage broad understanding of possible approaches to
build knowledge management solutions; these could be, but are not
limited, to social and semantic technologies, mobile computing, research
on human-computer interaction and  knowledge organization systems. We
would like to discuss how new technologies for knowledge management can
impact project management and business models.

The workshop will be concluded with 30 minutes "lightning talk" session
where bright ideas and harsh comments can be presented in short, 5
minute slots. Talks will be followed by the conclusions session (ca. 30
min) to discuss further development of knowledge management and Web 3.0.


* Social and semantic services for digital libraries
* Finding experts in the semantic social networks
* Informal (social) learning and knowledge sharing in organizations
* Designing workflows and processes for knowledge creating and sharing
* Methods and business foundations for knowledge in B2B 
* Folksonomies vs controlled vocabularies in social knowledge management
* Formal ontologies vs community established taxonomies in knowledge
* Utilizing semantics produced from social services (community portals,
  social networks)
* Supporting information discovery, management and sharing
* Ubiquitous knowledge management: instant messaging, mobile computing
* Human-computer interaction (HCI) for next generation knowledge
* Infrastructure challenges for social semantic services
* Agile project management and social semantic services
* Business models for Web 3.0-empowered knowledge management
* Empowering knowledge management in corporate information systems with
  Web 3.0
* Supporting business intelligence with communities involvement and
  semantics services


* Long papers: max. 12 pages
* Work-in-progress reports: max. 6 pages
* Demo papers: max. 4 pages

Papers must be submitted in PDF format according to Springer LNBIP
template available from

Submission system is available at

Papers approved for presentation at KM-WEB3 2009 will be published in
BIS 2009 workshop proceedings, as a volume in Springer's Lecture Notes
in Business Information Processing (LNBIP) series.

The workshop will facilitate a number of full paper (20 min
presentations followed by 10 min Q&A) together with a few short and
position papers (10 min presentation followed by 5 min Q&A). We will
close the workshop with up to 6 talks (max 5 minutes each) followed by
30 min moderated discussion on the future of Web 3.0 technologies and
their impact on further development of knowledge management solutions.

All authors of accepted papers as well as other participants will be
asked to read accepted papers abstracts before the workshop (papers will
be available on-line in advance) to facilitate discussion. Workshop
participants will be also invited to take part in the BIS conference and
other BIS workshops.

* February 1, 2009 - submission deadline for papers
* March 1, 2009 - notification of acceptance/rejection
* March 15, 2009 - submission of final papers
* April 27, 28 or 29, 2009 - the workshop


* Digital Enterprise Research Institute, National University of Ireland,
  Galway, Ireland (
* Gdansk University of Technology, Poland (
* KnowledgeHives (


* Sebastian Ryszard Kruk
* Henryk Krawczyk
* Arkadiusz Kwoska
* Bill McDaniel

PROGRAM COMMITTEE (to be extended)

* Mariusz Cygan, DERI NUI Galway, Ireland
* Borys Czerniejewski, freelancer, Poland
* Adam Gzella, DERI NUI Galway, Ireland
* Bernhard Haslhofer, TU Vienna, Austria
* Predrag Knezevic, freelancer, Germany
* Sebastian Ryszard Kruk, DERI NUI Galway, Ireland
* Henryk Krawczyk, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
* Arkadiusz Kwoska, KnowledgeHives, Poland
* Bill McDaniel, DERI NUI Galway, Ireland


This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP

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