LDOW 2018

From ConfIDent
The document "LDOW 2018" was published on "2022-10-19T15:21:25" on the website "ConfIDent" under the URL https://confident-conference.org/index.php/Event:LDOW 2018.
The document "LDOW 2018" describes an event in the sense of a conference.
The document "LDOW 2018" contains information about the event "LDOW 2018" with start date "2018/04/23" and end date "2018/04/23".
The event "LDOW 2018" is part of the event series identified by [[Event Series:LDOW]]

Lyon, France

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The Web is developing from a medium for publishing textual documents into a medium for sharing structured data. This trend is fueled on the one hand by the adoption of the Linked Data principles by a growing number of data providers. On the other hand, large numbers of websites have started to semantically mark up the content of their HTML pages and thus also contribute to the wealth of structured data available on the Web.

The 11th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2018) aims to stimulate discussion and further research into the challenges of publishing, consuming, and integrating structured data from the Web as well as mining knowledge from the global Web of Data.

Social media hashtag: #LDOW2018


Web Data Quality Assessment

  • methods for evaluating the quality and trustworthiness of web data
  • tracking the provenance of web data
  • profiling and change tracking of web data sources
  • cost and benefits of web data quality assessment
  • web data quality assessment benchmarks

Web Data Cleansing

  • methods for cleansing web data
  • data fusion and truth discovery
  • conflict resolution using semantic knowledge
  • human-in-the-loop and crowdsourcing for data cleansing
  • cost and benefits of web data cleansing
  • web data quality cleansing benchmarks

Integrating Web Data from Large Numbers of Data Sources

  • linking algorithms and heuristics, identity resolution
  • schema matching and clustering
  • evaluation of linking and schema matching methods

Mining the Web of Data

  • large-scale derivation of implicit knowledge from the Web of Data
  • using the Web of Data as background knowledge in data mining
  • techniques and methodologies for Linked Data mining and analytics

Linked Data Applications

  • application showcases including Web data browsers and search engines
  • marketplaces, aggregators and indexes for Web Data
  • security, access control, and licensing issues of Linked Data
  • role of Linked Data within enterprise applications (e.g. ERP, SCM, CRM)
  • Linked Data applications for life-sciences, digital humanities, social sciences etc.


We seek the following kinds of contributions:

  • Full scientific articles: up to 10 ‘pages’
  • Short scientific and position articles: up to 5 ‘pages’

Articles SHOULD be formatted and made available in HTML, where the use of Linked Data is strongly encouraged. Publish datasets and similar results in a publicly accessible repository and available as Linked Data. For authoring along the lines of the Linked Research initiative, authors may want to use dokieli (see also source). Publish your article on the Web, and send us the URL. You are welcome to share it via community chat. There are a variety of examples in the wild. See the Linked Open Research Cloud for further details on how to make your article discoverable.

Articles MAY be formatted in using ACM SIG template. Please submit these contributions via Easy Chair at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ldow2018.

LDOW encourages Open Peer Review, and RECOMMEND that authors and reviewers are named and attributed; however authors or reviewers MAY be anonymous if so desired. Reviewers SHOULD make their Open Reviews available using the same guidelines as the research articles.

All contributions will be archived at Internet Archive.

Accepted contributions will be presented at the workshop and included in the workshop proceedings. At least one author of each article is expected to register for the workshop and attend to present their contribution.

Important Dates

  • Contributions deadline: 2018-01-29 (23:59 Hawaii Time)
  • Notification of acceptance: 2018-02-14
  • Camera-ready versions of accepted contributions: 2018-03-04
  • Workshop date: 2018-04-23


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