MIS Review - Special Issue 2009

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SPECIAL ISSUE on: "Knowledge and Software Engineering: A Seamless Interplay" 
to be published in MIS Review: An International Journal (MISR) 

A. Chandra† and U.Deepa* 
†Professor, Department of Information Technology,
*Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology
Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


The 1st International Conference on Information Systems & Software Engineering aims to provide an excellent opportunity for academics, scientists, industry experts and students to present and discuss a range of topics in the areas of emerging technologies and application in the areas of knowledge management and development of quality software.
The information explosion in the recent years has driven focus to technologies required to manage and effectively use the data. Continuous innovation in the algorithms, processing power and the methodologies has ensured increased accuracy of the information retrieved. The industry driven demand for high standards and interoperability have made it imperative for a systematic approach to development of such systems. In this sense there seems to be a seamless extension of concepts between knowledge engineering and software engineering. This special issue aims to study how the methodologies and approach in one can be applied in the other.  


This special issue is based on a collection of best papers presented at ICISSE 09: International Conference on Information Systems & Software Engineering. Although public submissions are welcome, authors are encouraged to submit their papers to ICISSE 09 for presentation before the conference submission due date of June 15, 2009 (Papers must be sent to: papers@icisse.org. For more details visit: http://www.icisse.org/).  Papers submitted to this special issue via the JMS portal will be reviewed after the ICISSE 09 conference, rather than on the normal rolling basis.


Some of the topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 

Models and Algorithms in Data Mining
Video and Multimedia Data Mining
Parallel and Distributed Data mining algorithms
Innovative Data Mining Applications
Security and Information Hiding
Pre processing and Visualization
Robust scalable statistical methods
Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
Business Intelligence
Integration of Data Warehousing, OLAP and Data Mining
Digital Libraries

Aspect and Objected-orientation Techniques
Component-based Development
Model driven software engineering
Embedded and Real-time Software
Requirements Engineering
Reverse Engineering and Software Maintenance
Semantics and Design of Programming Languages
Service-oriented Computing
Software Architectures and Design
Tools and Environments
Distributed software development

Software Performance Engineering
Quality Management Systems (QMS) and tools
Process Improvement
Risk Management
Quality Planning
Total Quality Management (TQM)
Human Factors in Quality Management
Standards and Audit systems
Software Testing and tools
Empirical Software Engineering and Software Metrics


Submission of papers : 15 December, 2009  
Notification of acceptance : 15 February, 2010 
Publication schedule : September 2010


Papers must not have been published, accepted for publication, or presently be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The standard peer review process will be used to select papers for the special issue. Electronic submission in PDF format must be made in the standard IEEE format and must be in the English language.  

Accepted papers must follow the guidelines posted at: http://www.icebnet.org/author/ to format the final papers. 

For any questions and article submissions, please contact: 

Prof. A. Chandra or Asst. Prof. U. Deepa  
Guest Editors, MIS Review: An International Journal 
Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College  
363, Arcot Road, Kodambakkam  Chennai - 600024, Tamil Nadu, India 
E-mail: contact@icisse.org

For more information on the Journal visit the MISR web site: 

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP

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