The document "QoMEX 2021" was published on "2022-10-19T14:18:58" on the website "ConfIDent" under the URL 2021.
The document "QoMEX 2021" describes an event in the sense of a conference.
The document "QoMEX 2021" contains information about the event "QoMEX 2021" with start date "2021/06/14" and end date "2021/06/17".
The event "QoMEX 2021" is part of the event series identified by [[Event Series:QoMEX]]
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
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Warning: Venue is missing. The map might not show the exact location.
The 13th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX’21) will be held on June 14-17, 2021 in Montreal, Canada. QoMEX’21 will provide a warm welcome to leading experts from academia and industry to present and discuss current and future research on multimedia quality, quality of experience (QoE), and user experience (UX). The theme of the Workshop is:
Immersive Experiences in a Digital World
- The QoMEX 2021 team solicits contributions including but not limited to topics:
- Immersive QoE: Concepts and links.
- Immersive experiences and technologies.
- QoE in the era of big data and deep learning.
- Games User Research and Experience.
- New assessment and evaluation methods.
- Quality, experience and user state.
- QoE management in a digital world.
- Quality of Life.
- Multimodal perception & quality.
- Immersive technologies and content creation.
- QoE and content creation.
- QoE data analytics.
- Databases for QoE research.
- Emerging Special Session Topics VPQM relevant.
- Audio/Visual user experience.
Important Dates
Special Session Proposals
07 Dec 2020
Special Session Proposal Notification
09 Jan 2021
Full Paper Submission
16 Feb 2021
Full Paper Notification
28 Mar 2021
Full Paper Camera Ready
13 Apr 2021
Short Paper Submission
17 Apr 2021
Short Paper Notification
09 May 2021
Short Paper Camera Ready
16 May 2021
14-17 Jun 2021
General Co-Chairs: Tiago H. Falk, INRS-EMT, Canada; Amy Reibman, Purdue Univ, USA
Technical Program Co-Chairs: Ulrich Engelke, CSIRO, Australia; Raimund Schatz, AIT, Austria; Tobias Hoßfeld, Uni. Würzburg, Germany
Special Sessions Co-Chairs: Jan-Niklas Voigt-Antons, TU Berlin, Germany; Wendy van den Broeck, VUB, Belgium
Events and Satellite Chair: Lingfen Sun, Plymouth, UK
Inclusion and Diversity Chair: Mylène Faria, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil
Publicity Co-Chairs:
Martín Varela, Profilence, Finland; Atidel Lahoulou, University of Jijel, Algeria; Sebastian Möller, TU Berlin, Germany
Sponsorship Co-Chairs: Zhi Li, Netflix, USA; Khaled El-Maleh, Qualcomm, USA
Publications Chair: Florian Metzger, Uni. Würzburg, Germany; Hantao Liu, Cardiff University, UK
Finance Chair: Fabrice Labeau, McGill, Canada
Local Arrangements Co-Chairs: Jean-Charles Grégoire, INRS-EMT, Canada; Stéphane Coulombe, ÉTS, Canada
Web: Liviu Ivanescu, INRS-EMT, Canada
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