From ConfIDent
The document "SIGMOD 2009" was published on "2022-11-04T11:00:02" on the website "ConfIDent" under the URL 2009.
The document "SIGMOD 2009" describes an event in the sense of a conference.
The document "SIGMOD 2009" contains information about the event "SIGMOD 2009" with start date "2009/06/29" and end date "2009/07/02".
The event "SIGMOD 2009" is part of the event series identified by [[Event Series:SIGMOD]]

Rhode Island Convention Center, Providence, Rhode Island, United States of America

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		ACM SIGMOD/PODS 2009 Conference
		   Providence, Rhode Island
		    June 29 - July 2, 2009

2009 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data
		      Call For Papers

The annual ACM SIGMOD conference is a leading international forum for 
database researchers, practitioners, developers, and users to explore 
cutting-edge ideas and results, and to exchange techniques, tools, and 
experiences.  We invite the submission of original research contributions 
and industrial papers, as well as proposals for demonstrations, tutorials, 
and panels.  We encourage submissions relating to all aspects of data 
management defined broadly, and particularly encourage work on topics of 
emerging interest in the research and development communities.


General areas of interests include but are not limited to the following:

- New database architectures, distributed data management (e.g., data 
  stream management, P2P, replication, and caching)
- Data management applications (e.g., Web mashups, social networks, 
  scientific databases, sensor networks)
- Models and languages (e.g., XML, probabilistic data models, meta-data 
  management, multi-media)
- Performance and scalability (e.g., indexing, hardware accelerators)    
- Other aspects of modern information systems such as security, privacy, 
  personalization, user interfaces, etc.   


November 27, 2008:	Abstract submission (research papers)
December 4, 2008: 	Manuscript submission (research papers, 
				industrial papers (no abstract submission),
				demonstration, tutorial and panel proposals.)
February 27, 2009: 	Notification of acceptance.


Detailed submission instructions will be published on the conference web site. 
All aspects of the submission and notification process will be handled 
electronically. The following items apply to research papers only, not 
industrial papers or demonstration, tutorial, or panel proposals.

Double-blind reviewing: As has become the tradition for SIGMOD, research 
papers will be judged for quality and relevance through double-blind 
reviewing, where the identities of the authors are withheld from the 
reviewers. Thus, author names and affiliations must not appear in the paper, 
and bibliographic references must be adjusted to preserve author anonymity. 
Further details on anonymity requirements are available on the Web page.


General Chairs			Ugur Cetintemel (Brown University)
				Stan Zdonik (Brown University)
Program Committee Chair		Donald Kossmann (28msec and ETH Zurich)
Industrial Papers Chairs	Michael Franklin (UC Berkeley and Truviso)
				Donovan Schneider (Yahoo!)
Tutorials Chair			Sihem Amer-Yahia (Yahoo!)
Panels Chair			Jennifer Widom (Stanford University)
Demonstrations Chair		Bjorn Jonsson (Reykjavik University)
Proceedings Chair		Nesime Tatbul (ETH Zurich)
Registration Chair		Kajal Claypool (MIT Lincoln Labs)
Finance Chair			Elke Rundensteiner (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)	  
Industrial sponsorship		Renee Miller (University of Toronto)
Publicity Chair			Yanlei Diao (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Web Chair			Gerome Miklau (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Local Arrangements Chair	Daniel Abadi (Yale University)
Local Workshops Chair		Cindy Chen (University of Massachusetts Lowell)
Exhibits Chair			Samuel Madden (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)


Karl Aberer			EPF Lausanne
Ashraf Aboulnaga		University of Waterloo
Natassa	Ailamaki		EPF Lausanne
Laurent	Amsaleg			IRISA, Rennes
Peter Apers			Delft University
Paolo Atzeni			Univertiy of Roma III
Shivnath Babu			Duke University
Magda Balazinska		University of Washington
Omar Benjelloun			Google
Jose Blakeley			Microsoft
Michael Boehlen			Bozen University
Philippe Bonnet			University of Copenhagen
Luc Bouganim			INRIA
Nicolas	Bruno			Microsoft
Fabio Casati			University of Trento
Surajit Chaudhuri		Microsoft
Brian Cooper			Yahoo
Umesh Dayal			HP
Laurent Daynes			Sun
Amol Deshpande			University of Maryland
AnHai Doan			University of Wisconsin
Asuman Dogac			METU
Wenfei Fan			Edinburgh University
Franz FSrber			SAP
Dietmar Fauser			Amadeus
Shel Finkelstein		SAP
Peter Fischer			ETH Zurich
Minos Garofalakis		Yahoo
Johannes Gehrke			Cornell
Leo Giakoumakis			Microsoft
Giorgio Ghelli			University of Pisa
Goetz Graefe			HP
Luis Gravano			Columbia University
Torsten Grust			TU Munich
Jarek Gryz			York University
Dimitrios Gunopulos		UC Riverside
Ralf Guting			University of Hagen
Laura Haas			IBM
Alon Halevy			Google
Sven Helmer			Birbeck College
Namik Hrle			IBM
Mei Hsu				HP
Zack Ives			University of Pennsylvania
Dean Jacobs			SAP
H.V. Jagadish			University of Michigan Christian Jensen		Aalborg University Chris Jermaine			University of Florida
Bettina	Kemme			McGill University
Alfons Kemper			TU Munich
Masaru Kitsuregawa		University of Tokyo
George Kollios			Boston University
Hank Korth			Lehigh University
Kian Lee Tan			NUS
Wolfgang Lehner			TU Dresden
Ulf Leser 			Humboldt University
Xuemin Lin			University of South Wales
Ioana Manolescu			INRIA
Volker Markl			TU Berlin
Sergey Melnik			Microsoft
Gerome Miklau			University of Massachusetts
Renee Miller			University of Toronto
Jeff Naughton			University of Wisconsin
Kjetil Norvag			NTNU
Beng Chin Ooi			NUS Chris Olsten			Yahoo
Fatma Ozcan			IBM
Tamer Ozsu			University of Waterloo
Dimitris Papadias		HKUST
Yannis Papakonstantinou		UCSD
Jignesh Patel			University of Michigan
Alkis Polyzotis			UC Santa Cruz
Sunil Prabhakar			Purdue
Erhard Rahm			University of Leipzig
Ramakrishnan Srikant		Google
Shankar Raman			IBM
Mirek Riedewald			Cornell
Tore Risch			Uppsla University
Uwe Rohm 			University of Sydney
Kenneth	Ross			Columbia University
Michael Rys	 		Microsoft
Arnaud Sahuguet			Google
Sunita Sarawagi			IIT Bombay
Bernie Schiefer			IBM
Mehul Shah			HP
Jai Shanmugasarundaram		Yahoo
Kyuseok Shim			Seoul National University
Radu Sion			Stony Brook University
Rick Snodgrass			University of Arizona
Divesh Srivastava		AT&T
Dan Suciu			University of Washington
Garret Swart			Oracle
Nesime Tatbul			ETH Zurich
Florian Waas			Amazon
Kyu-Young Whang			KAIST
Jun Yang			Duke University
Masatoshi Yoshikawa		Nagoya University
Xiaofang Zhou			Queensland University
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