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Latest revision as of 14:26, 19 October 2022

The document "8th Workshop on Ontology Design and Patterns" was published on "2022-10-19T14:26:11" on the website "ConfIDent" under the URL https://confident-conference.org/index.php/Event:WOP 2017.
The document "8th Workshop on Ontology Design and Patterns" describes an event in the sense of a conference.
The document "8th Workshop on Ontology Design and Patterns" contains information about the event "8th Workshop on Ontology Design and Patterns" with start date "2017-10-21" and end date "2017-10-21".
The event "8th Workshop on Ontology Design and Patterns" is part of the event series identified by [[Event Series:WOP]]

Vienna, Austria

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Call for Papers: 8th Workshop on Ontology Design and Patterns - WOP2017.

To be held at ISWC 2017 in Vienna, Austria. Saturday 21st October 2017.

Submission deadline: July 21st. (Please submit abstracts by July 18th).

The Workshop on Ontology Design and Patterns targets topics relating to high quality ontology design as well as ontology design patterns (ODP) in Semantic Web data and ontology engineering. This year we particularly welcome contributions considering how one can develop high-quality ontologies in general, with or without the help of ODPs. As usual, we also welcome pattern descriptions of all sorts, including patterns geared towards applications in specific domains, such as geosciences, biomedical science, as well as digital humanities.

We invite the submission of original research results related to the focus areas of the workshop. There are three types of submissions:

- Research papers (maximum 15 pages LNCS style) should present mature work and document established results. - Short papers (maximum 5 pages LNCS style) may present proposed research directions, novel ideas, or more general positions or discussions. - Ontology Design Pattern Descriptions (between 5 and 12 pages LNCS style) may present new ontology design patterns.

Detailed submission instructions can be found at: http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/WOP:2017/Submission

Topics of interest:

- Methods and tools for developing high-quality ontologies, including ontology engineering by domain experts (*new*) - Analyses of quality attributes in ontologies and ontology engineering, and quality assurance approaches for ontology engineering (*new*) - Quality assurance for Linked Data vocabularies (*new*) - Ontology design patterns, analyses of ODP use, and analyses of pattern-based ontologies - Correspondence patterns for ontology matching and integration - Knowledge patterns and knowledge reengineering based on patterns - Antipatterns and their relations to ODPs - Pattern-based ontology design and knowledge engineering - Pattern-based methods and methodologies for development of semantic applications - Ontology pattern extraction - Pattern-based information extraction, ontology learning, and relation to NLP - Pattern-based ontology evaluation and selection - Patterns and Linked data (usage, emerging patterns, pattern-driven data publishing, etc.) - Patterns for streaming data and evolving knowledge, as well as processes and services - Data mining patterns and Semantic Web design - Web semantics from a pattern perspective - Reasoning with, or using, patterns - Patterns in semantic social networks, semantic wikis, semantic blogs, as well as in related fields such as business intelligence and conceptual modelling - ODPs development and use in specific domains including geosciences, life sciences, digital humanities, cultural heritage, e-history, etc.

Important Dates:

- Abstract submission (required): July 18th, 2017 - Submission date: July 21st, 2017 - Author notifications: August 24th, 2017 - Camera-ready papers: September 11th, 2017 - Workshops will be held on: 21st or 22nd of October, 2017 (TBD)

Submission guidelines:

Paper submission is via Easy Chair. Please see http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/WOP:2017/Submission for more details.

Best regards,

Eva Blomqvist, Linköping University, Sweden (general chair) Oscar Corcho, Ontology Engineering Group, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain (papers co-chair) Matthew Horridge, Stanford Center for Bio-Medical Informatics Research, Stanford University, US (papers co-chair) Rinke Hoekstra, Elsevier B.V., the Netherlands (patterns co-chair) David Carral, International Center For Computational Logic, TU Dresden, Germany (patterns co-chair)

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