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|Title=Second SIGMOD PhD Workshop on Innovative Database Research
|Title=Second SIGMOD PhD Workshop on Innovative Database Research
|Official Website=http://idar08.comp.nus.edu.sg
|Submission deadline=Mar 13, 2008
|Notification=Apr 22, 2008
Line 15: Line 13:
|End Date=Jun 13, 2008
|End Date=Jun 13, 2008
|Academic Field=Database
|Academic Field=Database
|Event Status=as scheduled
|Event Mode=on site
{{Event Deadline
|Notification Deadline=Apr 22, 2008
|Submission Deadline=Mar 13, 2008
{{S Event}}

Latest revision as of 15:30, 19 October 2022

The document "SIGMOD IDAR 2008" was published on "2022-10-19T15:30:42" on the website "ConfIDent" under the URL https://confident-conference.org/index.php/Event:SIGMOD IDAR 2008.
The document "SIGMOD IDAR 2008" describes an event in the sense of a conference.
The document "SIGMOD IDAR 2008" contains information about the event "SIGMOD IDAR 2008" with start date "Jun 13, 2008" and end date "Jun 13, 2008".
The event "SIGMOD IDAR 2008" is part of the event series identified by [[]]

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The Ph.D. Workshop on Innovative Database Research (to be held in conjunction with SIGMOD) intended to bring together Ph.D. students working on topics related to the SIGMOD conference series. The workshop will offer Ph.D. students the opportunity to present, discuss, and receive feedback on their research in a constructive and international atmosphere. The workshop will be accompanied by prominent professors and researchers in the fields of database technology. These accompanying professors will participate actively and contribute to the discussions. The workshop is co-located with and will take place after the SIGMOD 2008 conference on June 13, 2008.

Workshop Programme

The full-day workshop will consist of a 30-minute presentation and discussion for each accepted paper and two invited keynote speeches. Poster sessions during the coffee breaks are also likely depending on the number and quality of submissions.

Important Dates:

    * Deadline for submission: March 13, 2008
    * Notification to authors: April 22, 2008
    * Camera ready due: May 13, 2008
    * Ph.D.Workshop: June 13, 2008 

Topics of Interest

As for the SIGMOD conferences series, all topics from the field of database technology are of interest for the Ph.D. Workshop. These topics include (but are not limited to):

    * Benchmarking and performance evaluation
    * Data quality, semantics and integration
    * Database monitoring and tuning
    * Data privacy and security
    * Data mining and OLAP
    * Embedded, sensor and mobile databases
    * Indexing, searching and database querying
    * Managing uncertain and imprecise information
    * Novel/ Advanced applications and systems
    * Peer-to-peer and networked data management
    * Personalized information systems
    * Query processing and optimization
    * Replication, caching, and publish-subscribe systems
    * Semi-structured data
    * Storage and transaction management
    * Web services 


Papers describing doctoral work should be submitted in PDF via the Easy Chair website. The paper should be single-authored and should not exceed 6 pages; the format is according to ACM SIG proceedings template. In contrast to regular conference papers, submissions should address specifically doctoral work! Therefore, the following elements are recommended:

    * A clear formulation of the research question.
    * An identification of the significant problems in the field of research.
    * An outline of the current knowledge of the problem domain, as well as the state of existing solutions.
    * A presentation of any preliminary ideas, the proposed approach and the results achieved so far
    * A sketch of the applied research methodology.
    * A description of the Ph.D. project's contribution to the problem solution.
    * A discussion of how the suggested solution is different, new, or better as compared to existing approaches to the problem. 

The intention of this workshop is to support and inspire Ph.D. students during their ongoing research efforts. Therefore, it is necessary that authors will have neither achieved their Ph.D. degree nor submitted their thesis before the Ph.D workshop (June 13, 2008). To enforce this rule we require authors to disclose their expected graduation date and their advisor's name when submitting. Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings, which will appear on the SIGMOD DISC.

Workshop Organizers


    * Chee-Yong Chan, National University of Singapore, Singapore
    * Qing Li, City University of Hong Kong, China 

Steering Committee Members:

    * Tok Wang Ling, National University of Singapore, Singapore
    * Xiaofeng Meng, Renmin University of China, China
    * Ge Yu, Northeastern University, China 

Program Committee Members:

    * Shivnath Babu, Duke University, USA
    * Michael Benedikt, Oxford University, UK
    * Stephane Bressan, National University of Singapore, Singapore
    * Lei Chen, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, China
    * Zhiyuan Chen, University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA
    * Reynold Cheng, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
    * Byron Choi, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
    * Gillian Dobbie, University of Auckland, New Zealand
    * Guozhu Dong, Wright State University, USA
    * Ling Feng, Tsinghua University, China
    * Hong Gao, Harbin University of Technology, China
    * Floris Geerts, University of Edinburgh, UK
    * Vivekanand Gopalkrishnan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
    * Richard Hull, Lucent Technologies, USA
    * Ihab F. Ilyas, University of Waterloo, Canada
    * Panagiotis Kalnis, National University of Singapore, Singapore
    * Nick Koudas, University of Toronto, Canada
    * Dik Lee, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, China
    * Dongwon Lee, Penn State University, USA
    * Hong Va Leong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
    * Xuemin Lin, University of New South Wales, Australia
    * Boon Thau Loo, University of Pennsylvania, USA
    * Dennis McLeod, University of Southern California, USA
    * Themis Palpanas, University of Trento, Italy
    * Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Ohio State University, USA
    * Jian Pei, Simon Fraser University, Canada
    * Zhiyong Peng, Wuhan University, China
    * Mirek Riedewald, Cornell University, USA
    * Kyuseok Shim, Seoul National University, Korea
    * Yong Tang, Sun Yat-Sen University, China
    * Guoren Wang, Northeastern University, China
    * Min Wang, IBM T.J. Watson Research, USA
    * Sean X. Wang, University of Vermont, USA
    * Jirong Wen, Microsoft Research Asia, China
    * Melanie Y. Wu, Indiana University, USA
    * Jian Yang, Macquarie University, Australia
    * Jeffrey X. Yu, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
    * Donghui Zhang, Northeastern University, USA
    * Baihua Zheng, Singapore Management University, Singapore
    * Aoying Zhou, Fudan University, China
    * Xiaofang Zhou, University of Queensland, Australia 

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP

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