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|Title=1st International Workshop on Non-functional System Properties in Domain Specific Modeling Languages
|Title=1st International Workshop on Non-functional System Properties in Domain Specific Modeling Languages
|Official Website=planet-mde.org/nfpindsml

Latest revision as of 14:13, 19 October 2022

The document "NFPinDSML 2008" was published on "2022-10-19T14:13:13" on the website "ConfIDent" under the URL https://confident-conference.org/index.php/Event:NFPinDSML 2008.
The document "NFPinDSML 2008" describes an event in the sense of a conference.
The document "NFPinDSML 2008" contains information about the event "NFPinDSML 2008" with start date "Sep 28, 2008" and end date "Oct 3, 2008".
The event "NFPinDSML 2008" is part of the event series identified by [[]]

Toulouse, France

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				1st Call for Papers

	1st International Workshop on Non-functional System Properties in 
		Domain Specific Modeling Languages (NFPinDSML2008)

	Affiliated with MoDELS 2008, Toulouse France, September 28- October 3, 2008, 


The NFPinDSML 2008 workshop brings together researchers and practitioners from communities
dedicated to non-functional properties of software systems and researches from language
engineering to study the principles of integration of various non-functional system 
properties and language engineering in order to further expand principles of reasoning about
non-functional properties of software systems in Domain Specific Modeling Languages, and 
model-driven engineering in general 


For the engineering of systems of a particular domain, Domain Specific Modeling Languages
(DSML) - domain-oriented modeling languages developed for solving specific classes of problems
related to such a domain - are becoming a common-place in software and system engineering.
While DSML are mostly dedicated to functional requirements, often they do not address 
non-functional system properties (e.g. availability, reliability, security, performance, 
timeliness, efficiency?). Non-functional system properties are recognized as at least as
important as functional properties and have to be addressed during the design of systems.
Non-functional properties of interest vary from domain to domain. Furthermore, there is
different understanding of what are non-functional, and functional properties from domain to
domain (e.g. timing and reliability properties are considered functional in the domain of
embedded systems, and that is not the case in information systems). Finally, because of
different relations, intrinsic-when one non-functional attribute affects another, or 
extrinsic-when a value of a non-functional property is behaving in opposing way to value of
another, analysis of non-functional properties can be single and multi-dimensional. 


The central question this workshop is the study of common principles of Domain Specific
Language Engineering, and analysis of non-functional properties. The typical NFPinDSML 2008
paper studies Domain Specific Modeling Language concepts, non-functional system properties
and annotation, computation and evaluation of non-functional properties of the final software
product as a characteristic of a language. 

The topics of interest are, but are not restricted to:   

- Model annotations and computation of non-functional properties in domain specific
  modeling languages 
- Platform models, platform non-functional properties and domain specific modeling languages 
- Non-functional properties and traceability in domain specific modeling languages 
- Aspect-oriented modeling and non-functional properties in domain specific modeling languages 
	* Estimation and evaluation of non-functional properties in domain specific modeling
	  languages with aspects 
	* Domain-specific aspects for estimation, evaluation and measurement 
- Assessment of non-functional properties in domain specific modeling languages 
	* Estimation of non functional properties in domain specific modeling languages with
	  simulation and mathematical formalisms 
	* Measurement and empirical evaluation of non-functional properties in domain specific
- Transformation and non-functional properties 
	* Transformation as non-functional properties influencing design choice 
	* Non-functional properties of transformations 
- Ontologies for formalizing shared knowledge about non-functional system properties 
- Legal policies of non-functional properties: 
	* Legal policies and non-functional system properties 
	* Integration of legal policies in domain specific languages 
- Non-functional properties and domain specific languages of particular domains (Service 
  Oriented Architectures, Event Based Architectures, Embedded Systems, Health-care Systems, 
  GUI?s, Insurance, ?) 

Papers Submission 

We solicit position papers (4 to 8 pages) and full technical papers (up to 15 pages) formatted
by using the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) style 
(http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html). Short papers will be expected to discuss 
controversial issues in the field or describe interesting or thought-provoking ideas that are 
not yet fully developed. Full papers will be expected to describe new research results and have
a higher degree of technical rigor than short papers. All papers must not have been previously
published or submitted elsewhere. All papers should be submitted via the NFPinDSML 2008 Easy Chair
online submission system (http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=nfpindsml2008). All papers 
will be published in the workshop proceedings (published by CEUR online proceedings system: 
http://ftp.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/Publications/CEUR-WS/). Improved versions of the best 
NFPinDSML 2008 papers, (subject to a second round of rigorous review) will be published in the 
Software and Systems Modeling (http://www.sosym.org) journal. 

Important Dates 

Deadline for paper submissions: July 21, 2008 
Notification of authors: August 22, 2008 
Camera ready papers: September 16, 2008 

Workshop Supporters 

TrustSoft Research Training Group (TrustSoft Graduiertkolleg), Unversity of Oldenburg 
German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschunggemeinschaft-DFG)

Workshop Organizers: 

Marko Bo?kovic, University of Oldenburg, Germany 
Dragan Ga?evic, Athabasca University, Canada 
Claus Pahl, Dublin City University, Ireland 
Bernhard Sch?tz, Technische Universit?t M?nchen, Germany 

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP

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