Difference between revisions of "Event:RelMiCS-AKA 2009"

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|Title=11th International Conference on Relational Methods in Computer Science / 6th International Conference on Applications of Kleene Algebra
|Title=11th International Conference on Relational Methods in Computer Science / 6th International Conference on Applications of Kleene Algebra
|Official Website=www.qu.edu.qa/RelMiCs11
|Official Website=http://www.qu.edu.qa/RelMiCs11

Latest revision as of 15:28, 19 October 2022

The document "RelMiCS-AKA 2009" was published on "2022-10-19T15:28:30" on the website "ConfIDent" under the URL https://confident-conference.org/index.php/Event:RelMiCS-AKA 2009.
The document "RelMiCS-AKA 2009" describes an event in the sense of a conference.
The document "RelMiCS-AKA 2009" contains information about the event "RelMiCS-AKA 2009" with start date "Nov 1, 2009" and end date "Nov 5, 2009".
The event "RelMiCS-AKA 2009" is part of the event series identified by [[]]

Doha, Qatar

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  11th International Conference on Relational Methods in Computer Science
                                 (RelMiCS 11)/
         6th International Conference on Applications of Kleene Algebra
                                    (AKA 6)
                    November 1 to 5, 2009 Doha, Qatar

                      URL:  http://www.qu.edu.qa/RelMiCs11/


Over the past fifteen years, the RelMiCS meetings have been a main forum for researchers who use the calculus 
of relations and similar algebraic formalisms as methodological and conceptual tools. 
The workshop series on Applications of Kleene algebra started with a Dagstuhl seminar in 2001 and has been 
co-organized with the RelMiCS conference since. Due to their considerable overlap, the two events have 
a joint PC and joint proceedings. Their scope comprises relation algebra, fixpoint calculi, semiring theory, 
iteration algebras, process algebras and dynamic algebras. Applications include formal algebraic modeling, 
the semantics, analysis and development of programs, formal language theory and combinatorial optimization.

We invite submissions on the general topics of *Relation Algebra* and *Kleene Algebra* in computer science. 
Special focus will lie on formal methods for software engineering, logics of programs and links with neighboring 
disciplines. Particular topics of the conference cover, but are not limited to the theory of

 - relation algebras and Kleene algebras
 - related formalisms such as process algebras, fixed point calculi, idempotent
   semirings, quantales, allegories, dynamic algebras, cylindric algebras

and their applications in areas such as

- verification, analysis and development of programs and algorithms
- relational formal methods such as B or Z, tabular methods,
- algebraic approaches to logics of programs, modal and dynamic logics,
  interval and temporal logics
- algebraic semantics of programming languages
- graph theory and combinatorial optimisation
- games, automata and language theory
- mechanised and automated reasoning, decision procedures
- spatio-temporal reasoning, knowledge acquisition, preference and scaling methods
- information systems.

The predecessors of this conference were held in Dagstuhl (January 1994), Parati (September 1995), 
Hammamet (January 1997), Warsaw (September 1998), Quebec (January 2000), Dagstuhl (February 2001), 
Oisterwijk (October 2001), Malente (April 2003), St. Catherines (January 2005), Manchester (September 2006) 
and Frauenwoerth (April 2008).

Program committee

Jihad Al'Jaam        (Doha, Qatar)
Rudolf Berghammer    (Kiel, Germany; Program Co-Chair)
Harrie de Swart      (Tilburg, Netherlands)
Jules Desharnais     (Laval, Canada)
Rehab Duwairi        (Doha, Qatar University)
Marcelo Frias        (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Hitoshi Furusawa     (Kagoshima, Japan)
Peter Hoefner        (Augsburg, Germany)
Ali Jaoua            (Doha, Qatar , General Chair)
Peter Jipsen         (Chapman, USA)
Wolfram Kahl         (McMaster, Canada)
Yasuo Kawahara       (Kyushu, Japan)
Larissa Meinicke     (Sydney, Australia)
Ali Mili             (Tunis, Tunisia; Newark, USA)
Bernhard M?ller      (Augsburg, Germany; Program Co-Chair)
Carroll Morgan       (Sydney, Australia)
Ewa Orlowska         (Warsaw, Poland)
Susanne Saminger     (Linz, Austria)
Gunther Schmidt      (Munich, Germany)
Renate Schmidt       (Manchester, UK)
Georg Struth         (Sheffield, UK)
Michael Winter       (Brock, Canada)

Invited Speakers

Prof.Dr. H.C.M. de Swart Chair of Logic
Department of Philosophy, Tilburg University, The Netherlands

Prof. Dr. Rohit Parikh
Distinguished Professor
CS, Math, Philosophy, Brooklyn College and CUNY Grad Center, USA
URL: http://www.sci.brooklyn.cuny.edu/cis/parikh/

Important Dates

Call for Papers:                     Jan 15 2009
Submission of papers:                April 20 2009
Notification:                        June 20 2009
Final versions due (firm deadline):  July 20 2009
Registration:                        Oct. 1 2009
Conference:                          Nov 1-5 2009

Proceedings and Submission

All papers will be formally reviewed. We plan to publish the proceedings in the series Lecture Notes in Computer 
Science ready at the conference.  The proceedings editors will be R. Berghammer, A. Jaoua and B. M?ller.

Submissions must be in English, in postscript or pdf format, and provide sufficient information to judge their 
merits. They must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere. They should not exceed 15 pages 
in Springer LNCS style and must be produced with LaTeX.  Additional material may be provided by a clearly marked 
appendix or a reference to a manuscript on a website. This may be considered at the discretion of the PC. 
Deviation from these requirements may cause immediate rejection. One author of each accepted paper is expected 
to present the paper at the conference.
Detailed instructions for electronic submission can be found at the conference website. Formatting instructions 
and the LNCS style files can be obtained via http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html.  
As for the earlier conferences of this series, it is also intended to publish a selection of the best papers 
in revised and extended form in a special issue of the Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming (JLAP).

Student Program

The conference will be accompanied by a PhD training program.
Details will be published in due time in a special call and on the conference website.


Doha is the capital city of Qatar. With a population of about 1,500,000 inhabitants it is the largest city of 
Qatar and its economic and cultural center. The city is located on the Persian Gulf. Qatar University in Doha 
was opened in the year 1973. Doha is also home of many international schools.  Doha has an international airport 
that is served by many international (e.g., Turkish Airway, by British Airways from London-Heathrow, Lufthansa 
from Frankfurt, KLM from Amsterdam and Qatar Airways from New York-JFK and Osaka-Kansai).


Ali Jaoua                               (General chair and local organizer)
Rudolf Berghammer and Bernhard M?ller   (Program co-chairs)

Further details can be found under http://www.qu.edu.qa/RelMiCs11/

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP

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