Difference between revisions of "Event:SWAP 2008"

From ConfIDent
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m (Text replacement - "Official Website=([^http:])(.*)" to "Official Website=http://$1$2")
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|Title=5th Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives
|Title=5th Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives
|Official Website=www.swapconf.it/2008
|Official Website=http://www.swapconf.it/2008

Latest revision as of 15:30, 19 October 2022

The document "SWAP 2008" was published on "2022-10-19T15:30:29" on the website "ConfIDent" under the URL https://confident-conference.org/index.php/Event:SWAP 2008.
The document "SWAP 2008" describes an event in the sense of a conference.
The document "SWAP 2008" contains information about the event "SWAP 2008" with start date "Dec 15, 2008" and end date "Dec 17, 2008".
The event "SWAP 2008" is part of the event series identified by [[]]

Rome, Italy

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5th Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives (SWAP 2008) 
          FAO-UN, Roma, Italy 15-17 December 2008 

SWAP 2008 aims at giving an overview of work performed by the Semantic   
Web community, and aims to attract researchers, developers and   
interested practitioners alike. 

The setting for the workshop is highly interactive, and presentations   
are expected to focus on practical aspects and open problems. 
The workshop will cover either theoretical or implementation issues   
that anyway relate to Semantic Web applications. 

The following is a partial list of topics of interests: 

# Applications of Semantic Web technologies 
# Data Semantics and Linked Data 
# Semantic Social Networks 
# Semantic Portals 
# Semantic Web for e-business, e-science, e-government, and e-learning 
# Languages, tools and methodologies for representing and managing   
Semantic Web data 
# Robust and scalable knowledge management and reasoning on the Web 
# Ontology Design, Extraction, and Evolution 
# Ontology Mapping, Merging, and Alignment 
# Semantic Web technology for collaboration and cooperation 
# Semantic Multimedia 
# Semantics in P2P systems and grids 
# Searching, Querying, Visualizing and Interpreting the Semantic Web 
# Evaluation of Semantic Web techniques 
# Languages, Tools and Methodologies for Semantic Web Data 
# Large Scale Knowledge Management 
# Semantic Brokering 
# Semantic Coordination, Integration, Matching and Interoperability 
# Semantic Web Mining 
# Semantic Information Retrieval 
# Visualization and Modeling 
# Semantic Web Personalization 
# Semantic Web middleware 
# Machine learning and human language technologies for the Semantic Web 
# Semantic Web services 
# Tools and Methodologies for Semantic Web Agents 
# Semantic Web Trust, Privacy, Security and Intellectual Property Rights 
# Systems of annotation extraction 
# Social aspects of distributed cooperative annotation 
# Presentation and discussions of application scenarios 
# Analysis of social online communities 
# Web 2.0 personalization 
# Web 2.0 technologies for recommender systems 
# Web 2.0-based ontology learning 
# Assistive technologies and the Semantic Web 

Important Dates: 
 October 17th - Paper Submission 
 November 14th - Notifications 
 November 21st - Camera Ready 
 December 15th - Tutorial Day 
 December 16-17 - SWAP 2008 

Please, find the detailed call for papers and submission requirements   
at http://swapconf.it/2008/callforpapers.php.
Jointly organized by: 

* Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione (Consiglio Nazionale   
delle Ricerche), Roma - http://www.istc.cnr.it 
* Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Roma - http://www.fao.org 

In collaboration with: 

* W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) Office in Italy, 
* Semedia Group (DEIT, Universita' Politecnica delle Marche), 
* University of Trento.
General Chairs 
 Aldo Gangemi (ISTC-CNR) 
 Johannes Keizer (FAO-UN) 

Program Chairs 
 Valentina Presutti (ISTC-CNR) 
 Heiko Stoermer (Universit? di Trento)

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP

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