The document "Cluster 2009" was published on "2023-11-28T11:36:44" on the website "ConfIDent" under the URL 2009.
The document "Cluster 2009" describes an event in the sense of a conference.
The document "Cluster 2009" contains information about the event "Cluster 2009" with start date "2009/08/29" and end date "2009/09/04".
The event "Cluster 2009" is part of the event series identified by [[Event Series:IEEE Cluster]]
Abstract |
Submission |
Notification |
Camera-Ready |
Submitted Papers
Accepted Papers
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Hotel Monteleone, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States of America
Call for Papers 2009 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster 2009) 29 August - 4 September 2009 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Cluster 2009 welcomes paper and poster submissions on innovative work from researchers in academia, industry, and government, describing original research in the field of cluster computing. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: • Cluster Architecture and Hardware Systems ◦ Node architectures ◦ Packaging, Power, and Cooling • Cluster Software and Middleware ◦ Software Environments and Tools ◦ Single -System Image Services ◦ Parallel File Systems and I/O Libraries ◦ Standard Software for Clusters ◦ Virtualization • Cluster Networking ◦ High-Speed Interconnects ◦ High Performance Message Passing Libraries ◦ Lightweight Communication Protocols • Implications of Multicore and Clouds on Clusters ◦ Hardware Architecture ◦ Software and Tools ◦ Networking ◦ Management ◦ Applications • Applications ◦ Application Methods and Algorithms ◦ Adaptation to Multicore ◦ Data Distribution, Load Balancing & Scaling ◦ MPI/OpenMP Hybrid Computing ◦ Visualization • Performance Analysis and Evaluation ◦ Benchmarking & Profiling Tools ◦ Performance Prediction & Modeling • Cluster Management ◦ Security and Reliability ◦ High Availability Solutions ◦ Resource and Job Management For submitting and formatting instructions, see the conference web site: Important Dates: Workshop proposal deadline: 26 November 2008 Workshop notification: 22 December 2008 Tutorial proposal deadline: 31 March 2009 Technical paper submissions: 14 April 2009 Tutorial notification: 31 May 2009 Technical paper notification: 5 June 2009 Poster submissions: 12 June 2009 Poster notification: 17 July 2009 Poster camera ready deadline: 31 July 2009 Paper camera ready deadline: 31 July 2009 Conference Organizing Chairs and Committees: General Chair Daniel S. Katz, Louisiana State University, USA General Vice Chair Mark Baker, University of Reading, UK Program Chair Thomas Sterling, Louisiana State University, USA Program Vice Chairs Pete Beckman, Argonne National Lab, USA William Camp, Intel, USA Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, USA William Gropp, University of Illinois, USA Satoshi Matsuoka, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan Bart Miller, Univ. of Wisconsin, USA Poster Co-Chairs Sushil Prasad, Georgia State University, USA Eric Aubanel, University of New Brunswick, Canada Workshops Chair Wu Feng, Virginia Tech, USA Tutorials Co-Chairs Robert Ferraro, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA Bryan Biegel, NASA Ames, USA Proceedings Chair Ron Brightwell, Sandia National Laboratories, USA Publicity Co-Chairs Omer Rana, Cardiff University, UK Feilong Tang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Tevfik Kosar, Louisiana State University, USA Finance Chair Box Leangsuksun, Louisiana Tech University, USA Sponsor and Exhibitors Co-Chairs George Jones, Data Direct Networks, USA Charlie McMahon, Louisiana State University, USA Local Arrangements Chair Karen Jones, Louisiana State University, USA PR/Graphics Chair Kristen Sunde, Louisiana State University, USA
This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP