The document "CAiSE 2021" was published on "2022-11-18T06:56:20" on the website "ConfIDent" under the URL 2021.
The document "CAiSE 2021" describes an event in the sense of a conference.
The document "CAiSE 2021" contains information about the event "CAiSE 2021" with start date "2021/06/28" and end date "2021/07/02".
The event "CAiSE 2021" is part of the event series identified by [[Event Series:CAiSE]]
The topics of contribution include but are not limited to:
- Novel approaches to IS Engineering
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
- Big Data, Data Science and Analytics
- Blockchain applications in IS
- Simulation and Digital Twins
- IS for collaboration and social computing
- Neuro-Information Systems
- Context-aware, autonomous and adaptive IS
- Agile enterprise architecture and modeling
- Models, Methods and Techniques in IS Engineering
- Conceptual modeling, languages and design
- Requirements engineering
- Process modelling, analysis and improvement
- Process automation, mining and monitoring
- Models and methods for evolution and reuse
- Domain and method engineering
- Product lines, variability and configuration management
- Compliance and alignment handling
- Active and interactive models
- Quality of IS models for analysis and design
- Visualization techniques in IS
- Decision models and business intelligence
- AI and machine learning techniques and methods in IS
- Human-centred techniques
- Architectures and Platforms for IS Engineering
- Distributed, mobile and open architecture
- Big Data architectures
- Cloud- and edge-based IS engineering
- Service oriented and multi-agent IS engineering
- Multi-platform IS engineering
- Cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things (IoT)
- Workflow and Process Aware Information Systems (PAIS)
- Handling of real time data streams
- Content management and semantic Web
- Crowdsourcing platforms
- Domain Specific and multi-aspect IS Engineering
- IT governance
- eGovernment
- Smart City management
- IS for healthcare
- Educational Systems and Learning Analytics
- Value and supply chain management
- Industry 4.0
- Sustainability and social responsibility management
- Privacy, security, trust, and safety management
- Main Conference
- Abstract submission: 28 November 2020
- Paper submission: 4 December 2020 (strict!)
- Notification of acceptance: 27 February 2021
- Camera-ready papers: 19 March 2021
- Other submission deadlines
- Workshop proposals: 16 October 2020
- Tutorial proposals: 15 January 2021
- PhD Award proposals: 19 February 2021
- Forum papers: 12 March 2021
- Doctoral Consortium proposals: 12 April 2021