The document "SAGT 2013" was published on "2022-12-15T15:53:40" on the website "ConfIDent" under the URL 2013.
The document "SAGT 2013" describes an event in the sense of a conference.
The document "SAGT 2013" contains information about the event "SAGT 2013" with start date "2013/10/21" and end date "2013/10/23".
The event "SAGT 2013" is part of the event series identified by [[Event Series:SAGT]]
Aachen, Germany
Loading map...
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Warning: Venue is missing. The map might not show the exact location.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: May 22, 2013, 23:59 GMT
Notification: July 17, 2013
Camera Ready Version: August 9, 2013
Conference: October 21-23, 2013
AlgoSyn Fall School: October 23-25, 2013
Program Committee
Krzysztof R. Apt, CWI Amsterdam
Moshe Babaioff, Microsoft Research Silicon Valley
User:Curator 10 Brandt, TU Munich
Ioannis Caragiannis, U. Patras
Shuchi Chawla, U. Wisconsin
Georgius Christodoulou, Liverpool U.
Xiaotie Deng, Liverpool U.
Edith Elkind, NTU Singapore
Amos Fiat, Tel Aviv U.
Dimitris Fotakis, NTU Athens
Tobias Harks, Maastricht U.
Jochen Koenemann, U. Waterloo
Annamaria Kovacs, Frankfurt U.
Dov Monderer, Technion Haifa
Luca Moscardelli, U. Pescara
Noam Nisan, Hebrew U. Jerusalem and Microsoft Research Silicon Valley
Michael Shapira, Hebrew U. Jerusalem
Alexander Skopalik, Paderborn U.
Berthold Vöcking, RWTH Aachen U. (chair)
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