The document "CONCUR 2021" was published on "2022-12-29T13:25:17" on the website "ConfIDent" under the URL 2021.
The document "CONCUR 2021" describes an event in the sense of a conference.
The document "CONCUR 2021" contains information about the event "CONCUR 2021" with start date "2021/08/23" and end date "2021/08/27".
The event "CONCUR 2021" is part of the event series identified by [[Event Series:CONCUR]]
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Warning: Venue is missing. The map might not show the exact location.
Due the pandemic situation, the organization committee decided that the conference will take place online as last year's CONCUR: the talks will be pre-recorded and then streamed on Zoom.
Submissions are solicited in semantics, logics, verification and analysis of concurrent systems. The principal topics include (but are not limited to):
Basic models of concurrency such as abstract machines, domain-theoretic models, game-theoretic models, process algebras, graph transformation systems, Petri nets, hybrid systems, mobile and collaborative systems, probabilistic systems, real-time systems, biology-inspired systems, and synchronous systems;
Logics for concurrency such as modal logics, probabilistic and stochastic logics, temporal logics, and resource logics;
Verification and analysis techniques for concurrent systems such as abstract interpretation, atomicity checking, model checking, race detection, pre-order and equivalence checking, run-time verification, state-space exploration, static analysis, synthesis, testing, theorem proving, type systems, and security analysis;
Distributed algorithms and data structures: design, analysis, complexity, correctness, fault tolerance, reliability, availability, consistency, self-organization, self-stabilization, protocols;
Theoretical foundations of architectures, execution environments, and software development for concurrent systems such as geo-replicated systems, communication networks, multiprocessor and multi-core architectures, shared and transactional memory, resource management and awareness, compilers and tools for concurrent programming, programming models such as component-based, object- and service-oriented.
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