Events With Missing Organizer

From ConfIDent
  • Total number of events: 18694
  • Number of events with missing organizer: 8960
 Event SeriesStart Date
USENIX-Security 2026USENIX-Security - Usenix Security Symposium2026-08-12
OSDI 2026OSDI - Usenix Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation2026-07-13
ICML 2025ICML - International Conference on Machine Learning2025-07-13
EuroPLoP 2025EuroPLop - European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs2025-07-02
HCII C&C 2025HCII C&C - International Conference on Culture and Computing2025-06-22
HCI-CPT 2025HCI-CPT - International conference on HCI for Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Trust2025-06-22
HCII LCT 2025HCII LCT - International Conference on Learning and Collaboration Technologies2025-06-22
Duxu 2025DUXU - International Conference on Design, User Experience and Usability2025-06-22
HCII 2025HCII - International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction2025-06-22
AI-HCI 2025AI-HCI - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in HCI2025-06-22
HCIBGO 2025HCIBGO - International Conference on HCI in Business, Government and Organizations2025-06-22
HCII ITAP 2025HCII ITAP - International Conference on Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population2025-06-22
DAPI 2025DAPI - International Conference on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions2025-06-22
SCSM 2025SCSM - International Conference on Social Computing and Social Media2025-06-22
HCII DHM 2025HCII DHM - International Conference on Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management2025-06-22
deRSE25deRSE - RSE conferences in Germany2025-02-25
TFP 2025TFP - Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming2025-01-13
TFPIE 2025TFPIE - Trends in Functional Programming in Education2025-01-13
APIT 2025APIT - Asia Pacific Information Technology Conference2025-01-10
MMM2025MMM - International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling2025-01-08
ACCV 2024ACCV - Asian Conference on Computer Vision2024-12-08
ICREC 2024ICREC - International Conference on Renewable Energy and Conservation2024-11-22
ECSA 2024ECSA - European Conference on Software Architecture2024-09-03
ICHoLS XVIICHoLS - International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences2024-08-26
FORCE2024FORCE11 Annual Conference2024-08-01
ICML 2024ICML - International Conference on Machine Learning2024-07-21
EuroPLoP 2024EuroPLop - European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs2024-07-03
ICCBR 2024ICCBR - International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning2024-07-01
SCSM 2024SCSM - International Conference on Social Computing and Social Media2024-06-29
DUXU 2024DUXU - International Conference on Design, User Experience and Usability2024-06-29
HCII DHM 2024HCII DHM - International Conference on Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management2024-06-29
DAPI 2024DAPI - International Conference on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions2024-06-29
HCI-CPT 2024HCI-CPT - International conference on HCI for Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Trust2024-06-29
HCII LCT 2024HCII LCT - International Conference on Learning and Collaboration Technologies2024-06-29
AI-HCI 2024AI-HCI - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in HCI2024-06-29
HCII ITAP 2024HCII ITAP - International Conference on Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population2024-06-29
HCII C&C 2024HCII C&C - International Conference on Culture and Computing2024-06-29
HCII 2024HCII - International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction2024-06-29
HCIBGO 2024HCIBGO - International Conference on HCI in Business, Government and Organizations2024-06-29
CCLS 2024 ViennaCCLS - Annual Conference of Computational Literary Studies2024-06-13
ICC23ICC - International Cryocooler Conference2024-06-03
MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Spring 2024MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference2024-04-17
RSA Chicago 2024RSA - Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting2024-03-21
IACAS 2024IACAS - Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences2024-03-13
TrustCareTech 20242024-02-15
APIT 2024APIT - Asia Pacific Information Technology Conference2024-01-29
TFPIE 2024TFPIE - Trends in Functional Programming in Education2024-01-09
WSC 2023WSC - Winter Simulation Conference2023-12-10
Grey Lit 2025GL - International Conference on Grey Literature2023-11-13
ICREC 2023ICREC - International Conference on Renewable Energy and Conservation2023-11-10
META 2023META - International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing2023-11-01
eMove360° 2023eMove360° - Future Mobility Conference2023-10-17
ISMR Congress 20232023-10-09
AFTES 20232023-10-02
Beth CordobaBeth - BETH Annual Conference2023-09-30
ICTETS 2023ICTETS - International Conference on Traffic Engineering and Transportation System2023-09-23
CONCUR 2023CONCUR - International Conference on Concurrency Theory2023-09-18
CLEF 2023CLEF - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum2023-09-18
12ICG 20232023-09-17
ICBMM 20232023-09-14
The Lower Decks: A Symposium on Janeway and Open Access Publishing 2023-09-07
ICSD 2023ICSD - International Conference on Sustainable Development2023-09-06
OAI13OAI - OAI Workshops2023-09-04
6th RSC-BMCS / RSC-CICAGRSC-BMCS / RSC-CICAG Artificial Intelligence in Chemistry2023-09-04
HCII ITAP 2023HCII ITAP - International Conference on Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population2023-07-23
HCII 2023HCII - International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction2023-07-23
DAPI 2023DAPI - International Conference on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions2023-07-23
SCSM 2023SCSM - International Conference on Social Computing and Social Media2023-07-23
HCII DHM 2023HCII DHM - International Conference on Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management2023-07-23
DUXU 2023DUXU - International Conference on Design, User Experience and Usability2023-07-23
HCII C&C 2023HCII C&C - International Conference on Culture and Computing2023-07-23
AI-HCI 2023AI-HCI - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in HCI2023-07-23
HCI-CPT 2023HCI-CPT - International conference on HCI for Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Trust2023-07-23
HCII LCT 2023HCII LCT - International Conference on Learning and Collaboration Technologies2023-07-23
HCIBGO 2023HCIBGO - International Conference on HCI in Business, Government and Organizations2023-07-23
ICML 2023ICML - International Conference on Machine Learning2023-07-23
LibPMC 2023LibPMC - International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries2023-07-11
LSWT 2023LSWT - Leipziger Semantic Web Tag2023-06-28
ICEM 2023ICEM - International Conference Energy & Meteorology2023-06-27
EUNIS 2023EUNIS - EUNIS Congress2023-06-14
COMPIT’23COMPIT - International Conference on Computer and IT Applications in the Maritime Industries2023-05-23
VEHITS 2023VEHITS - International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems2023-04-26
OptecNet 2023OptecNet - OptecNet Annual Conference2023-04-25
April Conference FifteenApril Conference - April Conference2023-04-20
FORCE2023AACL - International American Association for Corpus Linguistics Conference2023-04-18
NICE 2023NICE - Neuro-Inspired Computational Elements2023-04-11
ECIR 2023ECIR - European Conference on Information Retrieval Research2023-04-02
IACAS 2023IACAS - Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences2023-03-15
MSUGlobalDH2023MSUGlobalDH - Global Digital Humanities Symposium2023-03-13
RSA San Juan 2023RSA - Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting2023-03-09
SWAT4HCLS 2023SWAT4HCLS - International Conference on Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Health Care and Life Sciences2023-02-13
TFP 2023TFP - Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming2023-01-13
TFPIE 2023TFPIE - Trends in Functional Programming in Education2023-01-12
ICCECE 2023ICCECE - International Conference on Consumer Electronics and Computer Engineering2023-01-06
SemEval 2023SemEval - International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation2023-01-01
DoSier 2022DoSIER - Doctoral Symposium on Intelligence Enabled Research2022-12-22
DependSys 2022DependSys - International Conference on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud and Big Data Systems and Applications2022-12-18
OASIS8OASIS - International conference & Exhibition on Optics & Electro-Optics2022-12-12
FPS 2022FPS - International Symposium on Foundations and Practice of Security2022-12-12
WSC 2022WSC - Winter Simulation Conference2022-12-11
AICS 2022AICS - Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science2022-12-08
NANOARCH 2022NANOARCH - IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Nanoscale Architectures2022-12-07
BDCAT 2022BDCAT - IEEE/ACM International Conference on Big Data Computing, Applications and Technologies2022-12-06
APSEC 2022APSEC - Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference2022-12-06
GL2022GL - International Conference on Grey Literature2022-12-05
SEC 2022SEC - ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing2022-12-05
CVMP 2022CVMP - European Conference on Visual Media Production2022-12-01
RTIP2R 2022RTIP2R - The International Conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing & Pattern Recognition2022-11-22
ICREC 2022ICREC - International Conference on Renewable Energy and Conservation2022-11-18
Baukulturkongress 20222022-11-17
UbiSec 2022UbiSec - International Conference on Ubiquitous Security2022-11-15
AMR 2022AMR - Rational use of antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance STOP!2022-11-12
Transport Innovation Summit 2022Transport Innovation Summit2022-11-09
HCOMP 2022HCOMP - AAAI Conference on Human Computation & Crowdsourcing2022-11-06
VAHC 2022VAHC - Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare2022-11-05
CECNet 2022CECNet - International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks2022-11-04
MIG'22MIG - Motion in Games2022-11-03
ANTS 2022ANTS - International Conference on Swarm Intelligence2022-11-02
NVC 2022NVC - Nationaal Verkeerskundecongres2022-11-02
PageBreak Conference 2022PageBreak Conference2022-10-27
SETTA 2022SETTA - Symposium on Dependable Software Engineering: Theories, Tools and Applications2022-10-27
PSYCHOBIT 2022PsychoBit - Psychology-Based Technologies2022-10-26
3rd Wikidata WorkshopWikidata Workshop2022-10-24
ICDSIS 2022ICDSIS - International Conference on Distributed Sensing and Intelligent Systems2022-10-19
MobiHoc 2022MobiHoc - International Symposium on Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and Protocol Design for Mobile Networks and Mobile Computing2022-10-17
PLop 2022PLOP - Pattern Languages of Programs2022-10-17
MobiCom 2022MobiCom - International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking2022-10-17
SDP 2022SDP - Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing2022-10-17
MEMOCODE 2022MEMOCODE - International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for System Design2022-10-13
EPESSEM 2022EPESSEM - Sustainable Development: Environmental Protection. Energy Saving. Sustainable Environmental Management2022-10-12
PACT 2022PACT - International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques2022-10-10
ESWEEK 2022ESWEEK - Embedded Systems Week2022-10-07
LE 2022Linguistic Evidence2022-10-06
Baltic HLT 2022HLT - Human Language Technologies2022-10-06
Deutscher Straßen- und Verkehrskongress 20222022-10-05
NanoCom 2022NanoCom - International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication2022-10-05
eMove360° 2022eMove360° - Future Mobility Conference2022-10-05
RACS 2022RACS - International Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems2022-10-03
ESCIM 2022ESCIM - European Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Mathematics2022-10-02
EuRAD 2022EuRAD - European Radar Conference2022-09-28
WSACC 20222022-09-26
ETBS 2022ETBS - Emergent Converging Technologies and Biomedical Systems2022-09-23
SOHOMA 2022SOHOMA - International Workshop on Service-Oriented, Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing Systems for the Industry of the Future2022-09-22
Urban Mobility DaysUrban Mobility Days Conference2022-09-20
TPDL 2022TPDL - International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries2022-09-20
MLSA 2022MLSA - International Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Mining for Sports Analytics2022-09-19
ECSA 2022ECSA - European Conference on Software Architecture2022-09-19
AFT 2022AFT - Conference on Advances in Financial Technologies2022-09-19
TSTP 2022TSTP - Scientific and Technical Conference Transport Systems Theory and Practice2022-09-19
SCINT 2022SCINT - International Conference on Scintillating Materials and their Applications2022-09-19
ESEM 2022ESEM - International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement2022-09-19
HMS 2022HMS - International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistic Modelling and Simulation2022-09-19
RecSys 2022RecSys - Conference on Recommender Systems2022-09-18
UNIQUE!? Unique Objects in an Age of Ubiquity : Functions and Potential2022-09-15
ICCCES 2022ICCCES - International conference on Communication, Computing and Electronics Systems2022-09-15
14. Wildauer BibliothekssymposiumWildauer Bibliothekssymposium2022-09-13
Zukunftskongress LogistikZukunftskongress Logistik2022-09-13
MLCAD 2022MLCAD - Workshop on Machine Learning for CAD2022-09-12
ICCBR 2022ICCBR - International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning2022-09-12
SPLC 2022SPLC - International Systems and Software Product Line Conference2022-09-12
GoodIT 2022GoodIT - Conference on Information Technology for Social Good2022-09-07
ETD22ETD - International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations2022-09-07
TAPIA 2022TAPIA - Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference2022-09-07
HAIS 2022HAIS - International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems2022-09-06
VLDB 2022VLDB - International Conference on Very Large Databases2022-09-05
CLEF 2022CLEF - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum2022-09-05
Open Science Festival 2022Open Science Festival2022-09-01
MDAI 2022MDAI - International Conference on Modelling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence2022-08-30
RC21 20222022-08-24
CD-MAKECD-MAKE - Cross Domain Conference for Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction2022-08-23
SBCCI 2022SBCCI - Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design2022-08-22
AiML 2022AiML - Advances in Modal Logic2022-08-22
CAV 2022CAV - International Conference on Computer Aided Verification2022-08-07
ICGNC 2022ICGNC - International Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control2022-08-05
ISLPED 2022ISLPED - International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design2022-08-01
COBEE2022COBEE - International Conference on Building Energy and Environment2022-07-25
AHFE 2022AHFE - International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics2022-07-24
AIVR 2022AIVR - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality2022-07-22
ICAIS 2022ICAIS - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Security2022-07-22
INLG 2022INLG - International Natural Language Generation Conference2022-07-18
IWLS 2022IWLS - International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis2022-07-18
ICML 2022ICML - International Conference on Machine Learning2022-07-17
SemEval 2022SemEval - International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation2022-07-14
ICDAR 2022ICDAR - Workshop on Intelligent Cross-Data Analysis and Retrieval2022-07-12
ICCHP-AAATE 2022ICCHP-AAATE - Joint International Conference on Digital Inclusion, Assistive Technology & Accessibility2022-07-11
LTEC 2022LTEC - International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education Challenges2022-07-11
IPMU 2022IPMU - International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems2022-07-11
PEARC 2022PEARC - Practise and Experience in Advanced Research Computing2022-07-10
Space International Conference 2022 on Sustainable Architecture Planning and Urban Design2022-07-08
ITiCSE 2022ITiCSE - Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education2022-07-08
CEIGCEIG - Spanish Conference on Computer Graphics2022-07-05
RC 2022RC - Conference on Reversible Computation2022-07-05
TAP 2022TAP - International Conference of Tests and Proofs2022-07-05
UMAP 2022UMAP - International Conference on User Modelling, Adaptation, and Personalization2022-07-04
P-RECS'22P-RECS - International Workshop on Practical Reproducible Evaluation of Systems2022-06-30
Sideways'22Sideways - International Workshop on Social Media World Sensors2022-06-28
ICC22ICC - International Cryocooler Conference2022-06-27
PASC'22PASC - The Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference2022-06-27
AI-HCI 2022AI-HCI - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in HCI2022-06-26
CCD 2022CCD - International Conference on Cross-Cultural Design2022-06-26
HCII ITAP 2022HCII ITAP - International Conference on Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population2022-06-26
HCII LCT 2022HCII LCT - International Conference on Learning and Collaboration Technologies2022-06-26
HCII DHM 2022HCII DHM - International Conference on Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management2022-06-26
HCI-CPT 2022HCI-CPT - International conference on HCI for Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Trust2022-06-26
HCIBGO 2022HCIBGO - International Conference on HCI in Business, Government and Organizations2022-06-26
HCII C&C 2022HCII C&C - International Conference on Culture and Computing2022-06-26
DAPI 2022DAPI - International Conference on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions2022-06-26
HCII 2022HCII - International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction2022-06-26
AESIS 20222022-06-22
MCPR 2022MCPR - Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition2022-06-22
ICCS 2022ICCS - International Conference on Computational Science2022-06-21
COMPIT’22COMPIT - International Conference on Computer and IT Applications in the Maritime Industries2022-06-21
C&C '22C&C - Creativity and Cognition2022-06-20
NOSSDAV 2022NOSSDAV - Network and OS Support for Digital A/V2022-06-17
Velo-city 2022Velo-city - World Cycling Summit2022-06-14
AIME 2022AIME - Artificial Intelligence in Medicine in Europe2022-06-14
ISMM 2022ISMM - International Symposium on Memory Management2022-06-14
XP 2022XP - International Conference on Agile Software Development2022-06-13
I4CS 2022I4CS - International Conference on Innovations for Community Services2022-06-13
OSSOC 2022OSSOC - One should see one's childhood: Scientific-practical conference of pediatric ophthalmologists and optometrists of Ukraine with international participation2022-06-11
KSS 2022KSS - International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences2022-06-11
HEART 2022HEART - International Symposium on Highly-Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies2022-06-09
CHIWORK 2022CHIWORK - Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction for Work2022-06-08
RTNS 2022RTNS - International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems2022-06-07
GLSVLSI '22GLSVLSI - Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI2022-06-06
DESRIST 2022DESRIST - International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology2022-06-01
IWINACIWINAC - International Work-Conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation2022-05-31
FabLearn Europe / MakeEd 2022FabLearn Europe / MakeEd - International Conference on Computing, Design and Making in Education2022-05-30
EJCEJC - International Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases2022-05-30
HCW 2022HCW - Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop2022-05-30
NLP4ConvAI 2022NLP4ConvAI - NLP for Conversational AI2022-05-27
HumEval 2022HumEval - Workshop on Human Evaluation of NLP Systems2022-05-27
MML 2022MML - Workshop on Multilingual Multimodal Learning2022-05-27
LTEDI 2022LTEDI - Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion2022-05-27
ECNLP 2022ECNLP - Workshop on e-Commerce and NLP2022-05-26
DravidianLangTech-2022DravidianLangTech - Workshop on Speech and Language Technologies for Dravidian Languages2022-05-26
DIALDOCDialDoc - Workshop on Document-grounded Dialogue and Conversational Question Answering2022-05-26
LChange 2022LChange - International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change2022-05-26
In2Writing 2022In2Writing - Workshop on Intelligent and Interactive Writing Assistants2022-05-26
IWSLT 2022IWSLT - International Conference on Spoken Language Translation2022-05-26
AH2022AH - Augmented Human International Conferences2022-05-26
WASSA at ACL 2022WASSA - Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment & Social Media Analysis2022-05-26
Third Workshop on Insights from Negative Results in NLP 2022Workshop on Insights from Negative Results in NLP2022-05-26
ComputEL-5ComputEL - Workshop on the Use of Computational Methods in the Study of Endangered Languages2022-05-25
RECOMB 2022RECOMB - International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology2022-05-22
iwbi 2022iwbi - International Workshop on Breast Imaging2022-05-22
ICGSE 2022ICGSE - International Conference on Global Software Engineering2022-05-20
USCToMM MSRUSCToMM MSR - USCToMM Symposium on Mechanical Systems and Robotics2022-05-19
GI 2022GI - Graphics Interface2022-05-17
ettc 2022ettc - European Test and Telemetry Conference2022-05-10
DLT 2022DLT - International Conference on Developments in Language Theory2022-05-09
CPS-IoT Week 2022CPS-IoT Week - Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things Week2022-05-03
COMPUTEL-4ComputEL - Workshop on the Use of Computational Methods in the Study of Endangered Languages2022-05-02
CICACICA - International Conference on Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, and Computer Applications2022-04-22
EvoMUSART 2022EvoMUSART - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design2022-04-20
BUS 2022BUS - British-Ukrainian Symposium2022-04-20
ECNLP 2 (WWW 2020)ECNLP - Workshop on e-Commerce and NLP2022-04-20
CSAIDE 20222022-04-16
AINA 2022AINA - International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications2022-04-13
ROMCIR 2022ROMCIR - Workshop on Reducing Online Misinformation through Credible Information Retrieval2022-04-10
Text2Story 2022Text2Story - Workshop on Narrative Extraction From Texts2022-04-10
EuRAD 2021EuRAD - European Radar Conference2022-04-05
EdgeSys 2022EdgeSys - International Workshop on Edge Systems, Analytics and Networking2022-04-05
Tagung Moderne Schienenfahrzeuge 2022 - Modern Rolling Stock 2022Tagung Moderne Schienenfahrzeuge - Modern Rolling Stock2022-04-03
ALT 2022ALT - International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory2022-03-29
NICE 2022NICE - Neuro-Inspired Computational Elements2022-03-28
EuCAP 2022EuCAP - European Conference on User:Curator 13nnas and Propagation2022-03-27
BMSAI 2022BMSAI - International Conference on Biometrics, Microelectronic Sensors, and Artificial Intelligence2022-03-25
ACAIB 2022ACAIB - International Conference on Automation Control, Algorithms and Intelligent Bionics2022-03-25
CAMMIC 2022CAMMIC - International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modelling, and Intelligent Computing2022-03-25
NNICE 2022NNICE - International Conference on Neural Networks, Information and Communication Engineering2022-03-25
ISICS 2022ISICS - International Symposium on Intelligent Computing Systems2022-03-23
IUI 2022IUI - International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces2022-03-22
DHandNLP 2022DHandNLP - Workshop on Digital Humanities and Natural Language Processing2022-03-21
TFP 2022TFP - Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming2022-03-17
TFPIE 2022TFPIE - Trends in Functional Programming in Education2022-03-16
EUROCG 2022EUROCG - The European Workshop on Computational Geometry2022-03-14
IACAS 2022IACAS - Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences2022-03-09
IMCIC 2022IMCIC - International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics2022-03-08
HRI 2022HRI - International Conference on Human Robot Interaction2022-03-07
DCHPC 2022DCHPC - International Conference on Distributed Computing and High Performance Computing2022-03-02
ASPLOS 2022ASPLOS - Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems2022-02-28
ISCAIS 2022ISCAIS - International Symposium on Computer Applications and Information Systems2022-02-25
AANN 2022AANN - International Conference on Advanced Algorithms and Neural Networks2022-02-25
ASSE 2022ASSE - Asia Service Sciences and Software Engineering Conference2022-02-24
ICMVA 20222022-02-18
AMNA 2022AMNA - International Conference on Algorithms, Microchips and Network Applications2022-02-18
NetSci-X 2022NetSci-X - International School and Conference on Network Science2022-02-08
ICDTA 2022ICDTA - International Conference on Digital Technologies and Applications2022-01-28
OCP 19OCP - Old World Conference on Phonology2022-01-26
ICSI 2022ICSI - International Conference on Sensors and Information Technology2022-01-21
EIBDCT 2022EIBDCT - International Conference on Electronic Information Engineering, Big Data and Computer Technology2022-01-20
ICCECE 2022ICCECE - International Conference on Consumer Electronics and Computer Engineering2022-01-15
APIT 2022APIT - Asia Pacific Information Technology Conference2022-01-14
SWAT4HCLS 2022SWAT4HCLS - International Conference on Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Health Care and Life Sciences2022-01-10
CIDR 2022CIDR - Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research2022-01-10
UbiSec 2021UbiSec - International Conference on Ubiquitous Security2021-12-28
DependSys 2021DependSys - International Conference on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud and Big Data Systems and Applications2021-12-20
ICAICR 2021ICAICR - International Conference on Advanced Informatics for Computing Research2021-12-18
AICCC 2021AICCC - Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing Conference2021-12-17
HiPC 2021HiPC - International Conference on High Performance computing2021-12-17
SEC 2021SEC - ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing2021-12-14
AI-CyberSec 2021AI-CyberSec - Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security2021-12-14
SPACE 2021SPACE - International Conference on Security, Privacy, and Applied Cryptography Engineering2021-12-10
SMWCon 2021SMWCon - Semantic MediaWiki Conference2021-12-08
SEMIC 2021SEMIC - Semantic Interoperability Community2021-12-08
FPS 2021FPS - International Symposium on Foundations and Practice of Security2021-12-08
EMCIS 2021EMCIS - European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems2021-12-08
RTIP2R 2021RTIP2R - The International Conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing & Pattern Recognition2021-12-08
BDCAT 2021BDCAT - IEEE/ACM International Conference on Big Data Computing, Applications and Technologies2021-12-06
CVMP 2021CVMP - European Conference on Visual Media Production2021-12-06
K-CAP 2021K-CAP - International Conference on Knowledge Capture2021-12-02
neuromatch 4.0Neuromatch Conference2021-12-01
ACISP 2021ACISP - Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy2021-12-01
ICADL 2021ICADL - International Conference of Asian Digital Libraries2021-12-01
NQFS-Jahrestagung 2021NQFS-Jahrestagung - Jahrestagung des Netzwerks „Qualitative Forschung in der Sportwissenschaft“2021-11-29
ICREC 2021ICREC - International Conference on Renewable Energy and Conservation2021-11-26
SETTA 2021SETTA - Symposium on Dependable Software Engineering: Theories, Tools and Applications2021-11-25
H-WORKLOAD 2021H-WORKLOAD - Human Mental Workload: Models and Applications2021-11-24
EAI INTSYS 2021EAI INTSYS - EAI International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems2021-11-24
IRSA 2021IRSA - International Railway Symposium Aachen2021-11-21
MEMOCODE 2021MEMOCODE - International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for System Design2021-11-20
TAAITAAI - International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence2021-11-18
CECNet 2021CECNet - International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks2021-11-18
SOHOMA 2021SOHOMA - International Workshop on Service-Oriented, Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing Systems for the Industry of the Future2021-11-18
eMove360° 2021eMove360° - Future Mobility Conference2021-11-16
CMPSE 2021CMPSE - International Conference on Composite Material, Polymer Science and Engineering2021-11-15
HCOMP 2021HCOMP - AAAI Conference on Human Computation & Crowdsourcing2021-11-14
AMR 2021AMR - Rational use of antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance STOP!2021-11-13
I4SDG 2021I4SDG - IFToMM for Sustainable Development Goals Workshop2021-11-13
DoSIER 2021DoSIER - Doctoral Symposium on Intelligence Enabled Research2021-11-12
NLP4ConvAI 2021NLP4ConvAI - NLP for Conversational AI2021-11-10
MIG'21MIG - Motion in Games2021-11-10
Second Workshop on Insights from Negative Results in NLP 2021Workshop on Insights from Negative Results in NLP2021-11-10
TCC 2021TCC - Theory of Cryptography Conference2021-11-08
PRICAI 2021PRICAI - Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence2021-11-08
NANOARCH 2021NANOARCH - IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Nanoscale Architectures2021-11-08
POEM 2021POEM - International Photonics and OptoElectronics Meetings2021-11-06
CCKS 2021CCKS - China Conference on Knowledge Graph and Semantic Computing2021-11-04
NVC 2021NVC - Nationaal Verkeerskundecongres2021-11-04
ISARC 2021ISARC - International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction2021-11-02
IWILDS 2021IWILDS - International Workshop on Investigating Learning During Web Search2021-11-01
ICCCES 2021ICCCES - International conference on Communication, Computing and Electronics Systems2021-10-28
META 2021META - International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing2021-10-27
IAC IAF Space Operations SymposiumIAC IAF Space Operations Symposium2021-10-26
BDA 2021BDA - Journées Bases de Données Avancées (BDA)2021-10-25
GameSec 2021GameSec - Conference on the Decision and Game Theory for Security2021-10-25
49th Student ConferenceStudent Conference2021-10-25
IAC 2021IAC - International Astronautical Congress2021-10-25
MobiCom 2021MobiCom - International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking2021-10-25
ISWC 2021ISWC - International Semantic Web Conference2021-10-24
2nd Wikidata WorkshopWikidata Workshop2021-10-24
Wikidata Workshop 2021Wikidata Workshop - Wikidata Workshop2021-10-24
COCOON 2021COCOON - International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics2021-10-24
EPESSEM 2020EPESSEM - Sustainable Development: Environmental Protection. Energy Saving. Sustainable Environmental Management2021-10-23
EITRT 2021EITRT - International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies for Rail Transportation2021-10-22
CINAIC 2021CINAIC - International Conference of Innovation, Learning and Cooperation2021-10-20
ER 2021ER - International Conference on Conceptual Modeling2021-10-18
SIBGRAPI 2021SIBGRAPI - Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images2021-10-18
MESAS 2021MESAS - Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems Conference2021-10-13
ESEM 2021ESEM - International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement2021-10-11
APCC 2020APCC - Asia Pacific Conference on Communications2021-10-11
ESWEEK 2021ESWEEK - Embedded Systems Week2021-10-08
STAST 2021STAST - Workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects in Security2021-10-08
PSYCHOBIT 2021PsychoBit - Psychology-Based Technologies2021-10-04
CACIC 2021CACIC - Argentine Congress of Computer Science2021-10-04
ESCIM 2021ESCIM - European Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Mathematics2021-10-03
Hamburger Karosseriebautage 2021Hamburger Karosseriebautage2021-09-30
NOSSDAV 2021NOSSDAV - Network and OS Support for Digital A/V2021-09-28
MDAI 2021MDAI - International Conference on Modelling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence2021-09-27
CAIP 2021CAIP - International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns2021-09-27
RecSys '21RecSys - Conference on Recommender Systems2021-09-27
PACT 2021PACT - International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques2021-09-26
AFT 2021AFT - Conference on Advances in Financial Technologies2021-09-26
MORS 2021MORS - Multi-Objective Recommender Systems2021-09-25
IWCLUL 2021IWCLUL - International Workshop on Computational Linguistics of Uralic2021-09-23
CEDI 20/21CEDI - Spanish Conference on Computer Science2021-09-22
CEIG 2021CEIG - Spanish Conference on Computer Graphics2021-09-22
AMW 2021AMW - Workshop on Foundations of Data Management2021-09-22
HAIS 2021HAIS - International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems2021-09-22
TSTP 2021TSTP - Scientific and Technical Conference Transport Systems Theory and Practice2021-09-21
CLEF 2021CLEF - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum2021-09-21
CYSS 2021CYSS - CataLight Young Scientist Symposium2021-09-21
CIRED 2021CIRED - International Conference on Electricity Distribution2021-09-20
HMS 2021HMS - International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistic Modelling and Simulation2021-09-15
Zukunftskongress LogistikZukunftskongress Logistik2021-09-14
TAPIA 2021TAPIA - Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference2021-09-14
MLSA 2021MLSA - International Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Mining for Sports Analytics2021-09-13
TPDL 2021TPDL - International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries2021-09-13
ESSCIRC 2021ESSCIRC - European Solid-State Circuits Conference2021-09-13
ISIT 2021ISIT - International Conference on Intellectual Systems and Information Technologies2021-09-13
ODCM-DTODCM-DT - Ontology-Driven Conceptual Modelling of Digital Twins2021-09-09
GoodIT 2021GoodIT - Conference on Information Technology for Social Good2021-09-09
EJCEJC - International Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases2021-09-07
NanoCom 2021NanoCom - International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication2021-09-07
SPLC 2021SPLC - International Systems and Software Product Line Conference2021-09-06
Velo-city 2021Velo-city - World Cycling Summit2021-09-06
OAI12OAI - OAI Workshops2021-09-06
KONVENS 2021Konvens - Conference on Natural Language Processing2021-09-06
AMLaP 2021AMLaP - Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing2021-09-02
MLCAD 2021MLCAD - Workshop on Machine Learning for CAD2021-08-30
NNICE 2021NNICE - International Conference on Neural Networks, Information and Communication Engineering2021-08-27
PATAT 2021PATAT - Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling2021-08-24
ICMAT 2021ICMAT - International Conference on Marine and Advanced Technologies2021-08-24
SBCCI 2021SBCCI - Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design2021-08-23
CONCUR 2021CONCUR - International Conference on Concurrency Theory2021-08-23
IJCAI 2021IJCAI - International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence2021-08-21
TPCTC 2021TPCTC - Transaction Processing Performance Council Technology Conference2021-08-20
CD-MAKE 2021CD-MAKE - Cross Domain Conference for Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction2021-08-17
COMPIT’21COMPIT - International Conference on Computer and IT Applications in the Maritime Industries2021-08-08
LChange 2021LChange - International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change2021-08-06
ENCLP 4 (ACL 2021)ECNLP - Workshop on e-Commerce and NLP2021-08-06
MWEMWE - Multiword Expressions2021-08-06
IWSLT 2021IWSLT - International Conference on Spoken Language Translation2021-08-05
SemEval 2021SemEval - International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation2021-08-05
DialDoc 2021DialDoc - Workshop on Document-grounded Dialogue and Conversational Question Answering2021-08-05
DESRIST 2021DESRIST - International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology2021-08-04
ICDSIS 2021ICDSIS - International Conference on Distributed Sensing and Intelligent Systems2021-07-30
ISLPED 2021ISLPED - International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design2021-07-26
MobiHoc 2021MobiHoc - International Symposium on Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and Protocol Design for Mobile Networks and Mobile Computing2021-07-26
AHFE 2021AHFE - International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics2021-07-25
HCI-CPT 2021HCI-CPT - International conference on HCI for Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Trust2021-07-24
DAPI 2021DAPI - International Conference on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions2021-07-24
MobiTASHCI MobiTAS - International Conference on HCI in Mobility, Transport, and Automotive Systems2021-07-24
HCII DHM 2021HCII DHM - International Conference on Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management2021-07-24
HCII 2021HCII - International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction2021-07-24
HCIBGO 2021HCIBGO - International Conference on HCI in Business, Government and Organizations2021-07-24
AI-HCI 2021AI-HCI - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in HCI2021-07-24
HCII LCT 2021HCII LCT - International Conference on Learning and Collaboration Technologies2021-07-24
CCD 2021CCD - International Conference on Cross-Cultural Design2021-07-24
SCSM 2021SCSM - International Conference on Social Computing and Social Media2021-07-24
HCII ITAP 2021HCII ITAP - International Conference on Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population2021-07-24
DUXU 2021DUXU - International Conference on Design, User Experience and Usability2021-07-24
HCII C&C 2021HCII C&C - International Conference on Culture and Computing2021-07-24
AIVR 2021AIVR - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality2021-07-23
PEARC 2021PEARC - Practise and Experience in Advanced Research Computing2021-07-19
LTEC 2021LTEC - International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education Challenges2021-07-19
IWLS 2021IWLS - International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis2021-07-19
ICAIS 2021ICAIS - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Security2021-07-19
CAV 2021CAV - International Conference on Computer Aided Verification2021-07-18
ISSTA 2021ISSTA - International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis2021-07-12
CADE 2021CADE - International Conference on Automated Deduction2021-07-12
RC 2021RC - Conference on Reversible Computation2021-07-07
SPAA '21SPAA - Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures2021-07-06
ICML 2021ICML - International Conference on Machine Learning2021-07-01
ITiCSE 2021ITiCSE - Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education2021-06-26
EVS34EVS - International Electric Vehicle Symposium2021-06-25
BODYSYS 2021BODYSYS - Workshop on Body-centric Computing Systems2021-06-24
MCPR 2021MCPR - Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition2021-06-23
ISMM 2021ISMM - International Symposium on Memory Management2021-06-22
C&C '21C&C - Creativity and Cognition2021-06-22
GLSVLSI '21GLSVLSI - Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI2021-06-22
P-RECS'21P-RECS - International Workshop on Practical Reproducible Evaluation of Systems2021-06-21
RAAD 2021RAAD - International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region2021-06-21
UMAP 2021UMAP - International Conference on User Modelling, Adaptation, and Personalization2021-06-21
HEART 2021HEART - International Symposium on Highly-Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies2021-06-21
ISOPE 2021ISOPE - International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference2021-06-20
ACAIB 2021ACAIB - International Conference on Automation Control, Algorithms and Intelligent Bionics2021-06-18
AIME 2021AIME - Artificial Intelligence in Medicine in Europe2021-06-16
ICCS 2021ICCS - International Conference on Computational Science2021-06-16
EUPSA 2021EUPSA - EUPSA Paediatric Surgical Association Annual Congress2021-06-16
QoMEX 2021QoMEX - International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience2021-06-14
XP 2021XP - International Conference on Agile Software Development2021-06-14
POAC 2021POAC - International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions2021-06-14
OSSOC 2021OSSOC - One should see one's childhood: Scientific-practical conference of pediatric ophthalmologists and optometrists of Ukraine with international participation2021-06-10
CMCL 2021CMCL - Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics2021-06-10
WETICE 2020-21WETICE - International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises2021-06-09
LSSC 2021LSSC - International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computations2021-06-07
MARSTRUCT 2021MARSTRUCT - International Conference on Marine Structures2021-06-07
FabLearn Europe / MakeEd 2021FabLearn Europe / MakeEd - International Conference on Computing, Design and Making in Education2021-06-02
ISCI 2021ICSI - International Conference on Sensors and Information Technology2021-05-28
GI 2021GI - Graphics Interface2021-05-27
I4CS 2021I4CS - International Conference on Innovations for Community Services2021-05-26
ColCACI 2021ColCACI - IEEE Colombian Conference on Computational Intelligence2021-05-26
ACCV 2021ACCV - Asian Conference on Computer Vision2021-05-20
CPS-IoT Week 2021CPS-IoT Week - Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things Week2021-05-18
HCW 2021HCW - Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop2021-05-17
CLSW2021CLSW - Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop2021-05-15
ISMRM 20212021-05-15
GMP 2021GMP - Geometry Modeling and Processing2021-05-12
AINA 2021AINA - International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications2021-05-12
TransSiberiaTransSiberia - International Scientific Siberian Transport Forum2021-05-11
RadarConf 2021RadarConf - IEEE Radar Conference2021-05-10
CLEO 2021CLEO - Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics2021-05-09
WASSA 2021WASSA - Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment & Social Media Analysis2021-04-29
ETBS 2021ETBS - Emergent Converging Technologies and Biomedical Systems2021-04-28
EdgeSys 2021EdgeSys - International Workshop on Edge Systems, Analytics and Networking2021-04-26
DGMM 2021DGMM - International Conference on Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology2021-04-24
BUS 2021BUS - British-Ukrainian Symposium2021-04-21
LTEDI 2021LTEDI - Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion2021-04-19
DravidianLangTech-2021DravidianLangTech - Workshop on Speech and Language Technologies for Dravidian Languages2021-04-19
HumEval 2021HumEval - Workshop on Human Evaluation of NLP Systems2021-04-19
RECOMB 2021RECOMB - International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology2021-04-18
IUI 2021IUI - International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces2021-04-14
LAK 2021LAK - International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference2021-04-12
DASFAA 2021DASFAA - International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications2021-04-11
EUROCG 2021EUROCG - The European Workshop on Computational Geometry2021-04-07
EvoMUSART 2021EvoMUSART - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design2021-04-07
... further results
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